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"you don't re-remember?haha don't kid with me" totoko started patting you back while laughing nervously but stop when you had a blank expression on your face.

" you're not kidding huh" totoko sigh deeply.

"Im totoko" she smiled trying to hide her dissapointment

The other 5 who heard your voice came rushing to the door. "(y/n)! welcome" jyushimatsu gave you his usual big smile.

"Hey jyush" you wave. "I kinda got lonely and bored at home and i couldn't sleep so i wanted to hang with u guys all night" you stated.

Karamatsu put his arm over your shoulder "heh you couldn't stand being withouth me right princess~"

"Haha dont get the wrong idea karamatsu" you laugh "anyway what's this chick, totoko doing here" you pointed to totoko who was behind you using your tumb.

"wait wait dont tell me yet i wanna guess" you held your hand up to their face and put your other hand on your forehead making everyone wonder what kind of crazy guess u gonna say.

"Ah wakata" you slam your fist to your left hand.

"You guys had sex huh~. So who's the lucky one" you had a lewd face on.

"Ne ne totoko-chan~ who was it" you grinned lewdly at totoko.Totoko didnt answer she just look at you in disbelief.

"Oh wait sorry... it was all of you with her huh. Wowie" you laugh brightly.

The brothers just blush at your cute laugh.

"Eh nani? Why are you blushing? I was right seriously" you gasp. "Mah god guys"

Choromatsu walked toward you "choromatsu? what's wro-" *BAM* "ITAI! WHAT THE HELL CHORO" you rub your head.

"Im just gonna go" Totoko pointed to entrance looking a lil piss off and disappointed.

"WAIT TOTOKO" you were about to grab her.

"We'll met again" totoko smiled and closed the door hard.

"Aww and i still didn't get the answer from her -3-" you mumbled loud enough for the brothers to hear. You spun around and saw the brother just staring at you. "What?" You blurted out.

Ichimatsu puleed you towards him and princess carry you. "Eh? waIT ICHI-NYA WHAT ARE YOU DOING" you strunggled trying to get down. "Stop struggling you gonna get hurt" ichimatsu said softly havin a tint of blush on his face. When you and ichimatsu reach to the brothers bedroom, ichimatsu threw you onto the futon.

"Ehh~ ichi not fair i wanted to carry her" osomatsu whined to ichimatsu.

"What was that for ichi -3-)/" you ask while sitting cross leg. "Why are you guys hurting me i did nothing" you put your hand up surrendering.

"Do we look like we just master bed totoko" choromatsu squited his eyes at you.

"Well yeah cause you cant be trusted since all your bros call you fappymatsu so you must be lying if u said you didn't~" you said o so innocently. Choromatsu glared at his brothers. "Just get this straight we didnt do anything to totoko we were just chatting with her before you came" choromatsu stated straight fowardly. "Hai hai" You just chukled.

"Well (y/n) since you came for fun~ we're not gonna let you get any sleep tonight~" todomatsu whispered seductively to your ear.


--------------to be continue?---------------

a/n: Lmao im such a lazy ass these days. Hope ya enjoy this chapie~ (/・ω・)/

remembering The Bros? (Osomatsu-san X Reader) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now