Eddsworld Questionaire

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Original by ImGayForJon
1. If you were a main character in the show, what colour would your hoodie be?
Orange with a purple overcoat
2. Describe your personal hell
Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows
3. Edd likes cola, Tom likes Smirnoff, Matt likes himself, and Tord likes guns. What would your characters favorite thing be?
4. What is your favorite Eddisode?
The End, Saloonatics, Trick or Threat, Space Face, Hammer and Fail, Zombeh Nation, Behind the Scenes, Hide and Seek etc.
5. What is your least favorite Eddisode?
25ft Under The Seat
6. Who would win in a fight; Zombie Matt or the Mummy from Ruined?
Zombie Matt because he has an army of zombehs
7. First Eddisode/Eddsworld video you watched?
The End (Part 1)
8. Favorite headcannon?
Tord writes fanfiction
9. Favorite minor character?
10. Favorite main character?
11. Favorite Eddsworld video that isn't an Eddisode?
Snow in Oslo
12. Pick a character and give them a theme song
Edd, Clouds by Zach Sobiech
13. Would you try bacon flavored cola? Why or why not?
Yes because I like bacon and I like cola
14. What would your neighbour counterpart be named?
15. Favorite Eddsworld comic?

 Favorite Eddsworld comic?

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16. Favorite line from the show?
"So this is hell. What a sight." Or "I like ladies! I wish they liked me..." Or "I suggest we throw Tom at it"
17. How did you discover Eddsworld?
Through my friends
18. Favorite Zombeh themed episode?
Zombeh Nation
19. If you were stranded on an island with one character, who  would you be stranded with and why?
Mark or Edd. Mark because he would get me to go and make myself useful and Edd because... Well... BECAUSE HE'S EDD!
20. Which Eddsworld adventure would you like to go on?
All of them!

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