moving Antonia (nia) p.o.v

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My parents were never married. Never could stand one another. So why am I not surprised that one lives in Australia and the other lives in America. Most people with split parents know the rulls you have to see your no primary supporting parent. (And if you don't for some reason well you will never know the "joy"). Moving from one house to the next I have no problem with but making me come and live with you for a year because your getting married is too much. So imagine my "joy" when I found out that my loving father had that idea. Sooo natural the next thing I'm doing is packing my bags and running to my flight so I don't miss it. As I step onto the plain I text my mom and tell he to tell wallburt (my dog) and grandma good bye because I had no time to drive over there and see them. Next I sotto for 16 hours and live life to the fullest. Well the fullest you can on an airplain. Mostly meaning I text my friend posted on Instagram and twitter did a little mysace-ing you know the usual. Having all the fun in the world till I head the loving words enter my mind. "We will now be arriving in Australia". Most people love to hear this they can get off the plain stretch you know go home or to a hotel. But for me that meant here have a new family and have fun with that. The only thing I knew about them was that the moms name is Elizabeth the younger girl was named Charley and the boy that happened to be a year older was named Carl. I could care less tho my hope is to find a friend and spend all my life at there house. But that may be heared see I'm a required taste not many people met me and think dang a keeper no they think nice body, she was captain of the academic team and she playes drums. I don't know man what she also playes bass and ukulele and takes everything as a joke and she makes too many puns. Yes, yes sign me up right here right now I want her I need her.
See what I'm getting at here. I already have my bag so now comes the difficult task of getting home my dad said he. Couldn't get off work so I had to take a cab but I really don't mind. Cabs remind me of home. (From New York New York) I come out and see a airport cab and hail it like normal only it was a lot easier and no one tried to kill me in the process (that wasn't a joke). As I hope in the drive asks if we can take one more person and as someone that grew up splitting cabs I really could care less. The other guy hops in he is probably my age if not somewhere around it. He has really light blond hair and is tall af. Someone that I'm hoping is his much old much more attractive brother hops in.
"Ware you off to mate?" The cab driver asks the two guys.
The younger one responds, "Ben we going to you place or to mom and dads?" Dang that accent tho.
"We are getting you home so mom's" the older one then spits out numbers and names and all that. The driver nods.
"And you young lady?"
" I don't know how to say this." I say turning a bit red.
"Oi Luke we got an American with us" I taking that the older ones name is Ben and the younger one is Luke.
"That's ok miss just pass up that paper." I hand him the paper that had the address. He just nods and hands it back. "Should be no problem these house are on the same stree right next to each other actually." The drive laughs out.
"Wait so you the Ravens little girl from American."
"Righteo" I say adding a little flip to the end so the New York accent flips.
"Then you must be the Hemming" I bucher the last name on accident the accent man it sounds wired.
"That accents got to go... Umm we never got you name. Your dad alwas calls you his little pumpkin."
"I happen to love my accent and my name is Antonia. Nia for short." I say probably. Most people hate my name they think it's soo much work but I love it and if you don't like spelling that out you can always just wright Nia. Hold on. My dad still calls me his pumpkin. Note numerou uno get him to stop calling me that.
"That's a lovely name." Ben says looking back at Luke as if to say shut up.
"So got a boyfriend back in America?" Ben questions. Aww I see this game and boy I really want to play. Make them hate me never come over less people to deal with and Ben and Luke don't seem my type I mean I don't think one of them has even touched a guitar.
"Well I mean I have a boy friend." In puts space between boy and friend shows I know ware that friend zone at do you?
"Oh you do what's his name?" I can see this look in Luke's eyes that is just like the one I had. The look that looks like he found his favorite game to play.
Only thing is I'm better.

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