Mystery girl

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I awake in a broken down car parked in an abandoned junk yard. The seats were still in one piece, and the doors were removed from the car.

I get out and see that all that's there are broken down vehicles, doesn't seem too bad does it?
I suddenly hear crying coming from one of the cars on the far end of the yard.

I instantly felt a jolt to my legs and started sprinting twords the sound.
I finally made it to were I pin pointed the sounds location, but when I got there it stopped.

I looked around and didn't find anyone at first, but then a kid appeared behind me giggling, and laughing.
It was a little girl, she looked harmless and as if she has been here for awhile.

She starts to run through a maze of broken down cars, I of course chased after her for some answers on what was going on.

She ran around a corner, and I lost her, she just disappeared. I found little foot steps printed into the ground showing where she went.

But as I continued to follow them they started to grow, they went from a child's foot steps to grown adult's.

I reached the end of the trail and found him, the black figure, once again.(He was holding her.) She wasn't scared like the last person. She was calm as if she liked the thing.

I was disturbed by how he was kind to her, like she was his own.

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words could have been spoken, he looked up at me at a lightnings pace, the kid turned into ash and he got in my face in what  barely seemed to be half a second.

He spoke, the thing spoke to me, he said," I will always be here when you close your eyes", in a deep demonic voice.

He backed away and faded off into the wind as I stood there with my legs locked from fear.

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