chapter 1 such abroken soul

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Today was the day you were walking to your best friend Steve rogers place . But you wernt always friends.
it all started on a hot moist summer day

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~flash back

When you were 16. you met him he was perfect. you only saw him on TV and adds on your computer until now . you were working with this smexy human being Steve rogers . he had money trouble .so he was working at a lemonade stand with you . he began to squeeze the fresh lemons near a jug . untill the lemon juice spilt onto his shirt..
You grab a few napkins and atepted to wipe his shirt. he says

"oh you don't have to do this!"

you look into his eyes and smile a little before replying

"oh ......its no problem"

you giggle awkwardly. until you notice some lemon juice is on his pants. 'oh damn those tight jeans' you think to you're self .  you ignore his pants and throw the napkins in the garbage . then
Steve Tuggs on you're shirt

"you're not done yet "

he points to his pants .you feel yourself start to blush a crmison red. he then laughs and pats your back

"did you really think I wanted you to wipe my pants? "

he then reached for a napkin and began to wipe him self .

you really did hope he wasn't just jokeing ... 'Damn if I were sooner 'you think . but no it still wouldn't have been good he would have probably quit his start to notice Steve's eyes starring at you . once he notices your eyes starring back he looks away and blushes 'is Steve rogers captain america blushing!!! So cute!!' You're head starts screaming at you're heart 'Steve might just like me!' You poke his muscular arm

"Steve are you okay?"

Steve looks at you he covers his eye with one hand a bit awkwardly

"Yea why do you ask (y/n)?"

You tilt your head a little and make a soft smile

"just wondering!"

------------------------------------time skip!-

It starts to get late. Steve looks at you and  grabs onto your left arm

"steve you okay?"

Steve gives you a concerned look before saying

"hey it's probably dangerous mind if I tag along?"

The super hero blushes and you do the same before noding your head

"Yea please if you don't mind"


Yⓔⓐ I'ⓜ ⓖⓞⓘⓝⓖ ⓣⓞ ⓕⓘⓝⓘⓢⓗ ⓣⓗⓘⓢ ⓦⓘⓣⓗ ⓦⓘⓛⓛⓞⓦ ⓝⓔⓧⓣ ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡ!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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