Welcome to the Survey Corps *Part Two*

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- Continued –

"Erwin, Pixis and Levi are starting to walk down in between my row and the row in front of us and suddenly I'm getting more and more anxious by the minute. They stop in front of really nervous cadets and have a conversation with them...then they stop in front of me..."

"Nervous?" Erwin asks

"Um...yes, sir." I say

"Don't be, I'm sure you'll do fine" He smiles walking off

"Tch brat..." Levi says patting my head before he walks off.

"Hello." Pixis says while walking behind the other two...still sneaking drinks from his flask. Offering me some which I declined. 

- - - - -

Shadis suddenly kept coming closer and closer to our line...

"Please don't talk to me."

"Please don't talk to me."

"Please don't talk to me." I kept repeating in a whisper

He suddenly got on our line and I hear him shouting at people until;

"What's your name?" He shouts

"Jordan Grahams, Sir!" The guy that I have been talking to answers.

"What are you doing here Grahams?" Shadis shouts/asks.

"I want to join the Scouting Legion, Sir!" He shouts.

"Ah, Erwin! Another Scout!" Shadis shouts

"Ah excellent!" Erwin shouts back.

"Shit please not me, please not me." I say to myself

He starts walking to the boy next to me and I breathe a heavy sigh of relief and he must have heard me... because he starts walking back to my direction...

He stops in front of me and shouts..."What is your name miss!"

"Julie Zoe!" I shout...before I could stop myself from saying it...I then mentally cringe...

"Ah so your that most famous daughter of hers." Shadis says

"Sir!" I say kind of quietly

"So what do you want to join?" He asks

"The Scouting Legion, Sir!" I shout

"Ah, just like your mother, hey." He says

"Sir!" I shout

"Are you as obsessed as titans as she is?" He asks

"Um...." I start.

"I'll find out one day, maybe." He pauses "Nice talking to you Cadet Zoe." He then goes back to the guy that is standing next to me.

- - - - -

After he spoke to most of the cadets he wanted to, he walked back to the front...

"Right training starts at 8:00am sharp be here or your out already, got it!"

"Sir!" We shout back

"Smith!" Shadis shouts

"Sir!" Erwin shouts back

"Make sure your on time this time, we all don't want to make excuses for you!"

"Yes, sir! Sorry it won't happen again!"

"Good, always I'll get Hanji on you!" Shadis says "Right your free to go back to your rooms and try and have an early night and socialize, I want all you to have friends tomorrow!"

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