Brandon oh Brandon

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Brandon hated books  when Brandon's mom told him to read his just ate the book .He just hated school in general. One time he ate a dragon book and spawned a fire breathing dragon destroying the hole town all that was left were some books.He got so angry that he forced the dragon to turn the books in to ashes but the dragon would not budge.Instead he burnt Brandon.It looked like Brandon played with explosive's and somehow messed up. anyway Brandon had a bath so he could be clean for school as i said before Brandon hated school so he got in trouble for throwing away jimmy's pencil so he had detention. When Brandon got home he ate more books.Brandon always thought that he could not do work if he chewed it up that did not turn for the better always down in the principals office.But one day while Brandon was in the office that same dragon came back a burnt the principal even the teachers laughed so Brandon ran as fast as he could and ran into the janitor. Brandon  got in huge trouble he started crying because all of the teachers hate Brandon.When Brandon got home Brandon told his mom that he had a bad day his mother was worried but he had a normal day at home. It was the weekend and Brandon was excited he got to go to Jupiter world where you learn about but he did not no that you were just learning there you that made him sad.When Brandon  got home he said to his mom i thought there would be cool stuff like spaceships that you could go in THE END

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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