Jerza xxx

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Years ago, in a place called 'The Tower of Heaven' a young girl and boy met. Their names were... Erza and Jellal. In the Tower of Heaven the kids were treated like slaves, however, no one knew about this place...

Anyway, Erza fell in love with Jellal, when she saw that they had to be slaves together, but she didn't have the guts to confess her love to Jellal. Secretly, Jellal knew she liked him because she always blushed when she was around him and he was starting to fall for her as well. As the days of torture went on for everyone, it was clear that Erza and Jellal had feelings for each other, but they still didn't admit it.

Even now in the year x7780, the couple are still together and they've still stayed strong even when times were really bad and they shed tears together. Eventually, they confessed their love to each other and got married. They also had two kids called Yumo (girl) and Aiko (boy). Life couldn't be any better for them, in fact it was all they ever dreamed of. After they, got married and returned to Magnolia, there was a jealous rage from all the girls in Fairy Tail.

"ARGGGGGH! I have my Gray~sama but he still doesn't want to marry me. Jubia is sad. Drip drop." Said Jubia.

"What?!? Your engaged and yet you didn't even think about inviting me! Curse you Erza Scarlet!" Said Cana.

"You know what, me and Natsu should get married now, so we can live a perfect life like you and Jellal." Said Lucy.

Here's the thing boys and girls, if you fight for long enough and wait for the right time, something good will come your way. I guarantee it.

Paul~Chan x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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