Okay. This is a poem I wrote like last year for my grandpa's funeral. ='[ . I just found it on my computer and decided to share it. The haiku's will be going up shortly.
Theres a time to breathe
Theres a time to leave
Theres a time to mourn
and a time to be happy
Life goes on;
Throughout devastation,
and tragedy
Things happen everyday
We are not in control,
of life and destiny
Grieving we do-yes
but stop living our life we can't do-no
Life's a mystery;
One we can't control
Our lord calls us home,
At random times.
No we might not be ready
But don't blame him.
He loves us all,
and it's his call.
He chose to take our loved one,
home to his beloved throne.
So don't be sad
You'll see them one day.
The day its, your turn
To come home to our lord.
Theres a time for everything
A time to love, grieve;
Be happy and more.
Today we are all of those
But, be thankful;
That they were here,
To show us the path.
Show us the right way
To show us the right path
There's a time for everything
and...........It's time