Chapter Eleven: He's Back

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⊰ He's Back ⊱

The salmon haired boy was currently walking to school by himself. He was told by his girlfriend to meet him at the river, since she was running late. As he walked, he felt his phone buzz in his school bag, making him immediately discard his device from his bag. He looked at his screen to see a notification; Lucy sent a message.

It read, I'll be there in ten minutes :). He smiled sheepishly at her emoticon, as he replied back with, I'll be waiting for you <3 ;), chuckling at his own response, turning off his phone. He looked up ahead to see the river that Lucy was talking about, his feet instinctively picking up the pace creating sounds from his shoes that pattered harshly along the cobblestone road.

He looked around to see if there was any benches to sit on, but he happened to find none at all. He sighed in defeat as he looked around for any signs of blonde hair. However, he did happen to find patches of green grass next to the river, smiling joyously. He sat down on the grass, taking off his shoes and lazily placing his school bag on the grass.

He laid back, placing his hands behind him to support his weight. He legs sprawled out in front of him as he watched the clouds pass by slowly traveling to who knows where. He then heard a pair of bicycle wheels crawling closer to him. He swerved his head to the side to see a Raven-haired boy—Gray.

He cringed in awkwardness and shifted his gaze back to the sky. Gray glared at him for awhile and then came closer to Natsu. He tapped his foot on Natsu's lower back, surprising him as he looked up at Gray with worried eyes.

"May I help you?" Natsu hesitated.

"Cut it with the bullshit, Pyro. I know what you're doing." Gray scoffed angrily.


"You know what I mean," Gray narrows his eyes, "What's up with you, man? I know we both have feelings for her, but it doesn't mean it suddenly had to be a competition."

"I never wanted it to be a competition. Besides, trying to win over Lucy's heart is not competition. That's just messed up; you can't just act as if Lucy was a prize." Natsu hissed at the word "prize."

"You idiot, Lucy was mine first!" Gray shouted. Natsu stood up, reading to throw a hard punch at his jaw.

"Listen here. Don't go around talking all that crap about her, you here? If I ever here you say that Lucy was a prize, or even say she's yours, I will make your life a living hell, now fuck off before I flame your ass." Natsu barked, his eyes flaring with anger with veins popping out at every anatomy.

Gray flinched at his words as he hopped on his bike and prepped his feet. He looked back at smirked, "You think you can have anything you want, huh? Well guess what? I'm going to take back what truly belonged to me. Don't forget that." He threatened, as he rode off to school, his smirk still planted on his lips.

Natsu clenched his jaw and fists until his knuckles bruised white. He suddenly heard a feminine voice behind him, making him turn around, looking to see Lucy. He then dropped his hands to his sides, his fist u clenching and relaxing. His anger began to die down as he watched his lover run up to him.

He couldn't help but smiled at the way her blonde long hair swayed against the wind, making her look majestic. Her smile was so contagious that it made him want to smile along with her. Her arms then slowly opened wide, still running towards him. She then attacked him with a hug, making him surprised by her actions. His cheeks blushed a light pink, watching Lucy snuggle her face closer to his chest.

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