Phone Calls

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"202...555...0139," Roderich murmured as he pressed the corresponding buttons on the landline, double checking the number against the one at the bottom of the letter to make sure he wasn't about to call some poor old woman or something.

He frowned slightly, gazing at the softly glowing "call" button for a few seconds. There were so many ways this could go wrong. What if it didn't even work any more? What if Basch didn't even have this number any more?

He had nothing to lose. Worst case scenario, he didn't reach Basch. Or maybe the worst case scenario would be that he reached Basch, and the blond was still angry with him. He honestly didn't know any more.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and pressed "call," listening to the monotone ringing to distract himself from the way his heart was beating so erratically.

He had almost zoned out until a soft click interrupted the noise, along with a familiar voice that shocked him back to reality.

"Hello, if you're selling something, I'm not interested," came the gruff greeting.

It took a few seconds for Roderich to gather his bearings. It had been so long since he had heard that voice, so blunt and aloof. He hadn't realized just how much he had missed it.

"Hello?" Came the voice again, and Roderich cleared his throat.

"Oh...Uh, hallo Basch," He said, and the other end was silent. He didn't know if it was a good silent, or an angry silent, or even just a neutral silent.


The Swiss' tone was flat and emotionless, and it did nothing to dispel Roderich's concerns, or help him figure out the blonde's emotions.

"Yes, it's me. I found an old letter of yours in a journal, and I...wondered if the number on it still worked," he explained, feeling more and more awkward by the second as he curled the coils of phone cord around a slender finger.

"Well it does."

"I figured that out," Roderich responded, beginning to detect irritation in his old friend's voice, and...was that hurt?

"Fine. What do you want?" Basch asked, clearly trying to steady his tone.

"What do I want?" He asked. "Must I want something to call an old friend?"

He heard a sharp intake of breath on the other end of the phone at the word "friend," and instantly, he wondered if calling Basch had been a bad idea.

"We're not friends, and we never were," came Basch's cold reply. "And I suggest that you not call me again."

The call was ended with an abrupt click, and Roderich was left standing with his lips slightly parted, the phone still held to his ear, and Basch's hurtful words ringing in his mind.

"We're not friends, and we never were."

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