Part Two of The Break Down

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Sophia's POV.

I woke up in some pain. I remembered Mark had fallen asleep in the bed with me and I reached over for him. He wasn't there. I felt and indent in the bed. I was upset that he wasn't with me. I saw the clock next to his bed, it was 7:00 in the morning. So I swung my legs over the side of his bed and went to get up.

I stood and was in immediate pain. A stinging feeling shot up my spine and through my ribs. I yelled out in pain. I heard the front door open and close and I then heard loud, fast footsteps coming my way through Mark's apartment. The door swung open and I saw Mark in the door way.
He came over to where I'd fallen on the floor. He picked me up and sat me on the bed.

"What were you thinking trying to get out of bed?" He asked.

"You weren't there. So I wanted to get up."

"Holy balls. And I thought I needed glasses. There was a note on the bedside table with your phone." I looked over. And to my surprise, there was the scrap piece of paper with a note written lazily on it, and my phone. On the table where Mark said.

"Sorry." I said and looked down.

Mark saw me feeling bad and placed his hand under my chin to lift my head up. I looked into his molten, chocolate eyes and melted at the sight of Mark. He wasn't wearing his glasses. Instead he had put in his contacts. I could see his eyes clearly. They looked innocent and sympathetic. I reached out and hugged him tight. He hugged back. I loved it when he hugged me. I felt warm and safe in his arms. It made me happy. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and helped my to my feet.

"You okay to walk?" He asked.

"Yeah I think so." I got up and he walked slowly with me down the hall, into the living room.

I sat on the couch and he went into the kitchen and came back with a glass of water for me. I remembered everything from last night. Him finding me in the parking lot, the hospital, and going to his apartment instead of mine. He sat down next to me and turned on his tv. He put his arm around me, I laid my head on his shoulder. We watched the news for a while. Someone called Mark on his phone. He grabbed it and I saw Wade's face on the screen.

"Hello?" Mark said.

I heard Wade's voice. He sounded concerned and I heard him ask about me. How I was doing.

"Hold on a sec." Mark said. He turned to me. "You wanna talk to Wade, Phia?" I nodded and he handed the phone to me.

Mark's POV.

Sophia and Wade talked and I went into my room for a change of clothes. I took off my shirt and got another out of my closet. One of my old Markiplier shirts. I saw Sophia's face grow pink indicating she saw me changing. I went over and grabbed down a pair of jeans. I quickly changed while she wasn't looking.

I turned on my computer, webcam, and microphone. I opened up my YouTube channel. I picked out my latest Let's Play game, SCP Containment Breach. I made a twenty minute video and started editing it. Sophia came into my room to give me my phone back. She set it on my desk, looked at my computer, puzzled, and sat down in the chair next to me.

"What are you doing?" She asked me.

"I'm editing one of my videos and uploading it on YouTube." I smiled at her.

"Oh, yeah. YouTube. I forgot about it." For some reason it was nice to hear that. Most other people I knew treated it like a big deal. I hated when people did that.

I had always just wanted to be Mark Fischbach. Not full time Markiplier. With the exceptions of meeting fans on the street sometimes, I didn't like being treated differently because of my YouTube channel's success. I liked being just some guy people liked to talk to. Sophia knew that. And she respected it. I was thankful for that. That was another one of the things that mad me slowly love her more.

"You okay?" I asked her. "You don't seem like yourself. Something you wanna say or talk about?" I looked at her. She looked lost and alone.

She looked at me. Didn't say anything. But looked down at the floor. I scoot my chair toward Phia. I leaned forward, placed my hand under her chin and lifted her head to look at me. She let me, but she wouldn't look in my eyes like she usually had. If she did, it was for only a brief moment and I obviously didn't notice. She just looked away from me. Sad, and afraid to talk.

"Hey." I said. "You're free to tell me anything in the world. You know that. I'm not demanding an answer, but whenever you need me, I'm here. Just remember that." I kissed her forehead and went back to my video. She watched in silence until I was done.

I pushed myself around in circles for a second in my wheelie chair. Sophia slightly grinned at me. I stopped and took her hand. I pulled her toward me. She got up from her seat. I took her by the waist and sat her on my lap. She looked a me weird. Like I was crazy. I scoot the wheelie chair to the door, picked her up and went into the living room. I set her down on the couch.

"So what did Wade want?" I asked as I walked to the kitchen.

"Nothing, really. He wanted to come over later to talk to you about something. I told him I didn't mind him being over if you wanted him to."

"Oh, alright." I said. "I'll call him back in a minute. You want something to eat? I'm not a bad cook myself. I'm gonna make eggs. If you want something, let me know."

I saw her look up at me. She nodded and got quiet again. I was way too curious to let it go this time. I walked into the living room, sat in front of Phi, and said what was on my mind.

"Alright. Why the silence and long face? If it's because of what happened this morning I get it. But you could at least tell me if it was. If there's something you're hiding that I need to know, tell me what's wrong. Don't let whatever the hell this is bottle up inside of you. You've got to say something, anything. I'm not going to let you sit here, sad and in pain. I want to help you. But I can't if you don't talk to me Sophia. Please just say something..."

Sophia looked at me, this time, angry. She wanted to talk but wouldn't. She stood up, and headed toward the door. I watched. She opened the door and walked out. Back to her apartment I guess.

I sat a minute. I heard her foot steps stop and heard a whimper. Not of pain. But of sadness. Like crying. I opened my door and went outside. I saw Sophia at the bottom of the stairs. She was crying and was sat against the wall on the ground. I felt really bad so I walked down to her.

I kneeled in front of her. She started hitting me, I grabbed her wrists to get her I stop. I didn't hurt her, but I held on just tight enough to get her to quit. She completely broke down. She started crying. Much worse than that morning when I found her. I let go of her wrists and she fell into me. I caught her. She grabbed onto me and cried.

"I'm sorry." Was all she could manage.

"No, Phi." I said. "I should be sorry. I shouldn't have pushed so much for an answer. Don't be sorry. It's not your fault."

I wrapped one arm under her legs, and the other around her waist. I picked her up and took her back up to my apartment. By the time I'd gotten up there she had wore herself out enough to fall asleep in my arms. I laid her on the couch and I sat on the opposite end.

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