Pregnancy Tests

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"Well," Basch declared, tossing a small stick of plastic at his partner settled on the bed. "I took the pregnancy test. Turns out i'm still a male."

Roderich snorted and rolled his eyes, carefully marking his book and setting it aside as he sat up. "Did you really take a pregnancy test?"

"Yes," the blonde responded matter-of-factly, gazing at himself in the mirror as he brushed out his tangled hair, still damp from showering.

Roderich sighed and got up from his perch, padding across the cool wooden floor to stand behind Basch. "I know you're disappointed, but you know us being male isn't the only reason we can't have children. We are both-"

"-barren. Yes. I am quite aware," Basch murmured, drawing away from him and crossing the room with several lithe, fluid steps until he was standing at the window, gazing onto the moon-drenched lawn. 

Roderich followed, standing behind him and slipping his arms around the shorter male's waist, where his hands rested against his stomach. Basch put his hands over Roderich's, silent for a long, long time as they offered comfort to each other in the best way they knew how.. The brunette man nuzzled into Basch's silky hair, breathing deeply of his familiar scent, and holding him close to soothe the aches in both of their hearts.


"Yes Basch?"

"I wish..."

"Me too."

Me too.

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