Chapter 3

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Harrys POV

Its Monday and I'm already 15 minutes late for  work.  I rush in and strip from my 

overly fluffy Bench Jacket, and hastily pull on my apron. Mondays are fun because

the regualrs always happen to come early today.  But  on Mondays I have to share 

a shift with John and Peter. We all used to be friends in elementary school, 

but in grade 7 we started to fight over stupid things like girls. There was this one

girl Macey. She was the swoon of the class, she had blonde hair, perfect blue eyes

and she always smelt like flowers.

So one day I asked her out. -you know how elementary is, you date for a

week then loathe each other later.-she said yes. We "dated" for 6 whole months

We broke up when she told me that my hair smelled and her cousin's friend 

was better looking. I cried for an hour into my pillow. Then I realized that 

during those six moths I hadnt called or spoken to my friends.

So I called them up. 


"Hey man its Haryy"

"Oh, Yeah, curly boy.."

"Excuse Me?"

" Gesunteit"

"Whoah, John I'm your best friend! What happened?"

"Um, actually Peter is my Best friend..NOT you.  

And what happened was you went out with my crush!"

"actually it was all the boys in year 7's crush!"


(John hangs up)


Hayley's POV

It was last period, and I was stuck in Geography for another five minutes. 

For the whole hour I was pondering on whether or not I should do the challenge today.

Its really obliviouly stupid that I'm fussing over this, but the pressure of my 

viewers and reader is somehow overwhelming. 

"Ms. Snow!"

"Huh?" I lifted my head off my desk

"Can you repat what I just said!"

"Ms. Snow" I replied

The class burst into laughter.

"See me after school for detention Hayley."


"You heard me."

"I know that, but I can't stay after school!"

"What is so bloody important that you can't attend detention?"



"Ok." I stood up infront of the class and said

"My name is Hayley Elizabeth Snow. I sleep in Geo and I am boring.

You know I'm boring, but why you may ask? 

I'm a coffee virgin. The class snickered 

Today after school, I promised my blog readers that..."

I was interupted by Mr. Wellinburgh 

"I have a deal for you"

I gulped "a deal?" 

"Yes, I shall let you surpass detention, and I will raise your grade if.."

" If?.." I wiped my palms on my jeans. I think I know where this is going."

" If you show us your blog on the Smart Board."

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