Someone from the Past

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I tried my best with this! I hope you like it!


As the Kid Pirates walked into the building called "Moulin Rouge", Killer couldn't help but wonder if his childhood friend was here.


"You're worthless!"

"Nobody would ever like you!"


Kids were spouting out mean things to a little blonde boy, hair covering his eyes, who was crouched up in a ball, hoping that the bullies would go away.


A smaller, but louder voice came forth, putting the others' to shame, the boy looked up to see a small figure with short pink hair, standing in front of him, with their arms open wide.

The other kids fought back, "Why should we?" The small figure visibly showed anger,


Just then thousands of sparkles fell down on them out of nowhere, scaring them away. She turned to the boy bending down and holding out her hand. Now getting a look at the girl, he became awestruck.

"Are you ok?" She asked with an adorable voice. He nodded grabbing her hand. He stood up, now noticing that he was a whole foot taller than her.

"What's ya name?" She asked looking up to the boy, he answered warily, "Killer..." She became confused, "Why are ya shy about your name? It's strange but i like it!" She said with a small smile. He became extremely confused and flustered, "Anyone who has heard my name gets scared and runs away..." He said in a sad tone.

She grabs his hand, shaking it vigorously, "Well my name is Eclair Farron! Nice ta meet ya!"

He started to laugh a bit, they continued becoming great friends.

~~Small time skip~~

"When I grow up I want to be a famous warrior, and i'm going to change my name to lightning!" Eclair exclaimed as Killer sat on the edge of the cliff next to her, looking across the brilliant sunset skies.

He looked at her, "What do you want to be?" She looked at him with hopeful eyes, "I-I--I w-want to be a Pirate!" He said becoming flustered again under her intense gaze.

She looked back out to sea, "I think you would be a great pirate! Even though you're a teddy bear!" She giggled as he blushed and became a little annoyed.

"Then I promise you, I will become the greatest pirate! And I will find you again to show you!"

He exclaimed throwing his hands in the air, looking out into the calm blue seas.

~~~FlashBack End~~~

"Oi! Killer!" Killer broke out of his thoughts to his Captain, Kid snapping his fingers in front of his mask, gaining his attention.

"Yes?" Killer looked to his friend, "You want a drink?" Kid pointed to the bar where the rest of the crew was.

Killer merely nodded.

"What the hell are they waiting for?" Heat whispers as they slip into a booth, "No fucking clue, hey lady 4 beers!" He yelled to a woman dressed in a sexy green Can-Can dress.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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Moulin Rouge ~ A Killer x Lightning Crossover FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now