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Sometimes it gets to tough and you just don't know what to do. I feel like that every second of every day. All I want to do is just crawl in a corner and disappear, but the world has other plans for me. I still have to get up every morning, go to school everyday, and sit through a horrid dinner every night consisting of my parents asking about my day and lying through my teeth saying how wonderful it was, reality check it was horrible. My parents are too busy fighting or complaining about my dad to see the hurt and pain that I endure every day.

You are probably wondering why is your life so horrible, well let me explain. I managed to go to a super homophobic school and I live in a super homophobic town. Based off of that statement you have probably come to the conclusion that I am a lesbian which is correct and I admit that I am a rainbow unicorn. I also am an introvert which makes people automatically assume that I am a weird person which I don't get because I don't talk a lot and I don't open up about myself, like ever. I also tend to zone out and live in my brain instead of in the real world which makes everyone think that I am really dumb when really I am pretty smart according to my 4.0 GPA and the fact that I got the highest SAT score in my state. People still believe I'm stupid.

I have just brushed the surface of the reasons I am tormented but the list goes on and on. Anyways for the reasons stated above I get bullied... a lot. This torment can go from the casual faggot or slut I hear walking down the hall to getting choked until I am blue or pass out. This obviously makes me hate my own being.

Not only do I have to worry about school, I also have a horrid life at home. My father lives all the way across the country so that sucks. I live with my mom and stepdad. They both hate each other and argue all the time. My stepdad hates me because I'm gay, so he does things like call me names, hit me, and ask me to do unreasonable things in an unreasonable amount of time. Yesterday he asked me to wash the car and truck inside and out and re-organize the garage which is a mess all the time because my stepdad likes to build things, and he asked me to do it in half an hour. Obviously I didn't do it so he beat me with a belt.

My brother is pretty mean too because he is terrified of our stepfather and will do anything that he can to please him. This means that my brother will make fun of me because I'm a lesbian and he will also beat me up because of the fear that my stepfather has put in him. My mother doesn't do anything mean to me but she also doesn't stop it from happening for the fear that the negativity would be turned onto her. 

All of the horrid things stated above are why I devised a plan. My plan was to end it all the quickest way possible but unfortunately the world has a different plan for me. 


This is my first story and the first chapter of my first story. If it sucks then sorry not sorry. I just felt like I would try writing a story so yeah. I found this cover of Bullet by Hollywood Undead and I thought that it fit the mood of the story so yeah. Bye.


I know that no one cares but I proof read this chapter. Hey if you give a shit about the book (highly unlikely) tell someone. If this chapter gets 10 reads ( I know I really shouldn't put a goal because no one cares but I felt like it) I will create another chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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