Chapter 23

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Sorry for the long wait! FORGIVE ME PLEASE!

Also this chapter is dedicated to a wattpad friend, Janeeclipse! :)

Also picture of Iris's dress to the side----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bella :) 

Chapter 23

"No way!" I said as Maggie past me a pink frilly dress through the changing room door. "I am not, I repeat I am NOT trying that on!" I said cringing at the pink girly frills at the end of the sleeves. Does she really want me to look like a pink freaking marshmallow!?

"Oh come on Iris! Don't be such a drama queen, it will look lovely on you!"

"Yeah your right!"

"See I told you!"

"Yeah on a pink marshmallow ad!" I swear I could feel her glare through the door of the changing room.

"I don't care whether you like it or not, you promised me at the cafe that you would try on any dress I picked!"

"No I-" Oh crap I did say it. Though in my defense I was eating the most delicious chocolate cake with chocolate fondue on the top and...

"Hey that was cruel! You made me agree when I took my first bite into the chocolate cake! That's not fair, I have no recognition of what I say and do during eating anything!" I pouted like a little kid, even though she couldn't see me I still felt the need to make my point through pouting. Maggie laughed evilly at this.

"Your still trying it on prooomiseeed" She called through the door emphasizing the word 'promise'. I huff in response and throw the dress on over me with attitude, even though Maggie couldn't see me it made me feel better. To save myself any embarrassment I refused to look in the mirror, and just opened the door for Maggie to see- I see her whole face light up as I step out.

"Wow that looks great on you! Not sure about the pink colour but that shape is soooo you!" She said clapping her hands together. "Ok get your back in the changing rooms and try on the other three!"

I scowled at this. "You enjoy torturing me don't you"

"Yep" She said pleased with herself practically pushing me back into the changing rooms. I refused to to look at myself in the mirror. I don't know why I just didn't want to see how hideous I looked, which as much as Maggie gushed at what I was wearing I still couldn't bring my self to look in the mirror.

"I still recon you should have got that purple dress" Maggie said as we walked out of the first shop. I almost groaned as I saw at least another twenty dress shops lined down the street. "Oh well not to worry, we still have..." She stopped mid sentence, to count on her fingers the amount of shops. "...53 shops left! Well there actually is another 2 dress shops, but I refuse to go into them they have very rude shop assistants!" Mags said sticking her nose up in the air looking like a snobby rich kid. I snorted at this. "You actually know how many dress shops there are!?" I said astonished, and slightly creeped out.

"Will yeah" She said in that 'duh' tone. "Shopping and fashion is my whole life!"

My stomach started rumbling again, I may be full to the point where I'm about to explode but after thirty minutes I could fit a whole roast dinner in. My legs were starting to ache, due to the whole 30 minutes of shopping we have done.

"Mags my legs are sore and I'm hungry, can we go to a cafe pleeeaaaase" I begged.

"Oh don't be pathetic Iris, come on we are not stopping until we find that perfect dress!"

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