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"I'm home, Mum," Wonwoo called out, throwing his bags on the floor and struggling a little to free his feet of black converse low tops.

"Hello, sweetie," his mum called back, "how was school?"

Wonwoo couldn't exactly reply 'it was fucking amazing, my crush - who's a guy by the way - actually noticed me' so he responded with a simple 'fine' and headed upstairs to his room.

The door of Wonwoo's room was completely covered in posters. He had run out of room on his walls, and had proceeded to plaster the door in place of anywhere else. Wonwoo's room, like most of his outfits, shoes, and basically everything else he owned, was black. You could barely see the wall colour though, as there were little to no gaps in between the array of pictures Wonwoo had blu-tacked to the walls, and the sheets of both posters of his favourite bands and his own drawings formed a kind of wallpaper of their own. Wonwoo opened the door, disturbing as little images stuck to it as he could, and closed it behind him, heading straight for his bed and flopping down on it.

A sigh left his lips as he rolled onto his back, still processing what had exactly happened that day. Kim Mingyu had actually noticed him. It wasn't even a 'notice me senpai' kind of thing, and in Wonwoo's mind it was pretty pathetic considering he himself was the older of the two yet the younger boy still managed to spin his head round.

A knock on the door pulled Wonwoo from his thoughts. "Wonwoo, honey, Seokmin's here for you." His mother peered around the door.

Wonwoo let out a tired groan and sat up, his black hair falling back in front of his eyes. "Just coming," he replied and sat up, walking to the door and following his mum to the front door where sure enough Seokmin was standing there grinning. Wonwoo had barely been inside the house five minutes and already his peace was being disturbed.

With a call of 'you kids have fun' from his mother, the door was shut behind her. "Park?" Seokmin suggested, earning a shrug from Wonwoo. Seokmin took his answer as an agreement and the two boys started to walk.

Everything that Wonwoo was, Lee Seokmin was the complete opposite. He had moved in next door to Wonwoo during his first year of high school and could be heard at least three houses down singing at the top of his lungs and laughing hysterically. Loud, positive and full to the brim of the shittiest puns Wonwoo had ever heard, Seokmin seemed to have his head still stuck in his ten year old self.

"So?" Seokmin asked, trademark goofy smile plastered to his face.

"What?" Wonwoo replied.

"So how was school? I saw you sitting with actual people in the cafeteria today," Seokmin explained, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, "and in case my eyes deceived me, Kim Mingyu was among those actual people."

"He asked me to sit with him," Wonwoo said, as the taller boy grabbed onto one of the walls they were passing and gasped dramatically.

"What?!" A kind of shrieking noise left his mouth as he clutched his chest in fake shock. "Sorry, I'm still getting over the fact that you actually sat with people today."

"Idiot," Wonwoo muttered, but a smile flickered over his face despite his words.

"I can only come out for like half an hour anyway," Seokmin sighed when they had headed a little further down the route to the park, "I just had to find out how the fuck you ended up sitting with Kim Mingyu-"

"It's nothing special," Wonwoo interrupted, "he just wanted to say hi. He knows I don't sit with anyone."

"Well you could come sit with us at lunch," Seokmin suggested, "then you wouldn't look like such a reject, I mean really, you're pathetic."

"What, sit with you and your 'meme squad'?" Wonwoo raised an eyebrow. "No thanks. Soonyoung and Seungkwan and you is a bad combination."

"BooSeokSoon is squad goals," Seokmin responded, a loud laugh escaping his mouth, "but seriously, come sit with us. It will be some new squad. Emo and the Memeos."

Wonwoo didn't really have a response to that so he just laughed a little and the two boys continued their walk.

Hanging out with Seokmin was a strange experience for Wonwoo. Seokmin's friends were loud as fuck, Seokmin unfortunately being the loudest of the three, and he was always trying to get Wonwoo to sit with them. Seungkwan and Soonyoung along with Seokmin was honestly the most irritating combination Wonwoo could bring himself to imagine. It wasn't that they weren't nice, but Wonwoo was quiet and they were not.

Boo Seungkwan was a rare specimen of sassiness and flitted between every single friendship group in school, uncovering all the gossip and loudly repeating it to almost everything. Moving from Jeju-do to their highschool in Seol, everyone had expected a quiet, 'country boy' type from him, and everyone had been almost terrified of the strange diva boy that had actually come from the rural Jeju island.

Kwon Soonyoung was just as strange as the others, full of pranks and jokes almost as bad as Seokmin's. Wonwoo had seen him several times with a huge array of food inside both his mouth and his nostrils and every time somebody asked him the time he would shout 'ten hour ten minute' in English almost as bad as Seungkwan's. He was one of the only people in the school that could make Lee Jihoon, possibly the most intimidating boy in the school (though considering his height this was pretty ironic) actually smile. The two were childhood friends, but understandably, Jihoon hardly sat with Soonyoung at lunch. After all, there was only so much Soonyoung anyone could be exposed to daily without breaking down. Once he had stood outside the school gates and said 'my name is Soonyoung - call me Soon' and winking to every girl that walked past.

"Wonwoo, look who's at the park," came a strangled hissing voice from Seokmin, who had begun slapping Wonwoo's arm to get his attention.

"Seokmin, what-"

Wonwoo froze halfway through his sentence. FUCK. Mingyu was sitting with Seungcheol and Hansol on the swings, idly swinging backwards and forwards as the warm wind blew his hair around his fucking enchanting face.

"Hey, we should sit with them," Seokmin suggested, turning to face Wonwoo and realising that he wasn't standing next to him anymore, but halfway back down the road.

"HEY WONWOO! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Seokmin shouted after the older boy, waving his arms.

"My mum called me. Got to go, bye," Wonwoo shouted back, continuing to make his escape, cursing himself for the shitty excuse and praying, though it was near impossible, that Mingyu hadn't heard Seokmin loudly announce his presence.

Reaching the door to his house after doing what seemed to be the most running he had done in, like, ever, Wonwoo pulled the door open, slamming it behind him and collapsing against the back of it to catch his breath.

"Dad's home, sweetie, dinner will be five minutes," his mother called. Wonwoo headed to the dining room and sat down on a chair at the table. His father sat opposite.

"How was school?" Wonwoo's father asked, peering over his newspaper to look at Wonwoo, "and I told you to take that nail polish off."

Wonwoo glanced at his black painted nails, and sat on his hands to hide them. "It's not breaking school rules," he muttered.

"That eyeliner, too. Jesus Christ, what did I do to get a son looking like this? I just want to know what girl will fall for a boy looking like that, seriously, Wonwoo," his father continued.

Hah. Girl. Of course, because Wonwoo was completely heterosexual, what else could he possibly be?

"Leave him," his mum called from the kitchen, heading to the table with a tray of what smelt like macaroni cheese, "it's his 'emo phase' or something. Let him enjoy it for now."

Wonwoo resisted the urge to say 'it's not a phase, mum'.

"Go on, then," his mother added, pointing to the food as she sat down.

Wonwoo helped himself to macaroni cheese, testing his father's patience a little by brandishing his painted nails as he reached for the serving spoon.

Seokmin would probably have made a thug life joke if he was present, but thankfully Wonwoo's family did not have Seokmin as a frequent dinner guest. After all, Wonwoo needed some time to think after his Mingyu-filled day.

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