- TWO -

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Most probably know what the world was like, pre-outbreak. I don't think that all records of human history has been erased. There's still most buildings, and the car's aren't exactly going anywhere when nearly everyone who drove them got turned into creatures with a lust for human flesh. And there's always the books that haven't been used to make fires. There's still all that evidence that shows the world wasn't like this always.

But here's how my life is after the whole apocalypse thing happened and ruined everything:

Scientist found out that there was a disease from an unknown source that took over the part of the brain and turned people into zombies. So they don't die unless their brain is destroyed.

Well, some idiot scientist somehow got contaminated with the disease and went home, started feeling sick and went through the changing, bit his family, then they bit their neighbors, and soon as you know it there's an outbreak of zombies in the city that he lived in. 

By then, the U.S. government was having a bit of a crisis on how to deal with the situation, and neither side could come to an agreement on how to deal with the problem. This caused a government shut down.

Simultaneously, everyone is getting infected unknowingly, and so when they travel throughout the world people start going through the changing and infecting others. International travel is then prohibited by the UN. Government officials eventually get infected, and then the government collapses.

Then, regular events just stop happening. We stop getting the mail. Adults stop going to their work. Kids stop going to school. People stop functioning like a society, and even though we are healthy human beings, our lives are still controlled by the disease.

It's been quite some time between the outbreak and now. Maybe a year or more? It happened in May and I think we're sometime around June 17. I try to keep track but I forget to mark a day sometimes. I really wish that people hadn't stopped making calendars.

I am the only person in my group, currently. My parents are dead, got shot when they were out looking for food. I took the stuff they wouldn't need and buried them when I found them. My brother is probably dead. We last heard from him when he called us initially after the outbreak. Cell towers and powerlines don't work anymore, so I have no way to find him.

I used to be in groups, but I've found out that it's best for me to stay alone. No bonds with others and I only have to take care of myself. There's also not many people left that aren't already changed. There's no scientists left to count how many people there are on Earth, but I do know that it is not a lot. I also know that I'm pretty much completely alone in my life. It's fine with me.


Okay still just an intro basically. I wanted to make sure that whoever is reading had a basic knowledge of the order of events and how everything happened. 

The next chapter will have more action and Will will come into the story soon enough.

Vote and Comment please! It motivates me to continue writing a ton :)


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