Chapter 22 - Double Team

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Dean's POV

Chloe's passed out on the floor from the medicine that she was given not too long ago.

Her locks of coffee brown hair lay in beautiful waves around her head. Her small mouth is parted as she takes even breathes. Once again, her hands are cuffed to the wall.

I'm sitting behind bars with my legs crossed. There's nothing I can do to go and save her. I can't get out of this jail cell, I've already tried.

Who knows what Gabriel is going to do to her while she's in this state. I hope nothing too bad. Though she broke my heart, I hope she won't get too hurt.

Plus, I deserve getting my heart broken. I broke her heart two times already. The times I stopped calling her and the second time when I told her Jon didn't love her. That was dicky, it really was.

God, I hate myself.

If it weren't for me, we probably wouldn't be in this mess. Roman might have not destroyed the Shield, Chloe might not be in this hurting state, and Gabriel wouldn't be here.

"Ah, isn't she beautiful?" Gabriel asks as he walks out of the shadows.

I scrunch my face up in disgust. "A father shouldn't be talking about his daughter like that."

He turns away from Chloe to face me. "Why do you say that?"

"Well, a dad should be loving... In a fatherly way. He should help his daughter through thick and thin. He should care for her, tell her everything will be okay, though it might never be okay," I say, staring back at Gabriel.

"Hmm, interesting," he replies, putting his finger on his chin. "Each and everyone of those qualities fits me."

"No, I'm sorry, it's not." I shake my head at him. "You're a dad who loves his daughter in a husbands way. You're a father who pushed his daughter through  think and thin without any help. You're a father who told his daughter things would never be okay... And it looks like you were right."

He shrugs hi shoulders. "I still think I'm a great dad."

"Bullshit," I mumble under my breath, turning away from him.

"No, Jon, you're bullshit," Gabriel speaks, making sure to add a few hateful seconds to my name.

Taking a deep breath I say, "Don't call me that."

"Why not?"

I turn around to be met by his nasty grin with old, rotten teeth. "You don't deserve to."

"Yet again, why?" He puts his hands on his hips, almost looking like Chloe when she's aggravated.

I crack my knuckles, almost making him flinch. "Because, Gabriel, I'm not Jon anymore.... Didn't you know?"

He scoffs. "Who are you then?"

I slowly stand up with a sly grin forming on my face. "I'm Dean Ambrose, and I'm not a very nice person."

"You never were, Dean." He rolls his eyes as he says my name. 

I chuckle, once. "Yeah, but Dean is extreme..." I eye him, hoping to make him the least bit scared.

"So was Moxley, and I was never scared of him," he informs me with a pleased look in his eyes.

"Mmhm, I'll believe it when I see it."

"Fine!" He marches over to my cell and sticks his head between the bars. "See, I'm not scared of you or Moxley!"

"Sure you ain't!" I say, jumping close to him and grabbing his shirt. I pull him against the bars. His breath is shaky, just the way I want him. I smirk. "I've always seen the way you looked at me. You are jealous of me... Jon or Dean." I laugh, keeping my eyes locked with his fear-filled ones. "Jon... Dean... Whoever you want to call me, always had Chloe right under his finger. Nothing could break us apart, and you knew that, didn't you?" He gives his head a single nod. I smile, pleased he answered me. "You were never able to have Chloe because she's your daughter. That's just not right to love your child like that... Am I right?"

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