A Curse From A Gift

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THIS IS MY FIRST STORY POSTED Read when you want to know what mind do i possess. :D


Once upon a time, planet earth is living in its peaceful state. Hundreds of crazy scientists combine DNA samples of every species that belong to kingdom animalia. Prince, the son of one of those crazy scientists visited their laboratory at their home. He saw mysterious bottles containing different colors. He sipped one of the bottles colored brown thinking that it is cold chocolate milk. “Yuck! This tastes bad”, Prince said. A weird taste goes to his mouth but it become weirder when he continually drunk the bottle till its last drop. After drinking, he felt something unusual on his body. He ignored that thing and continues his daily life.

It is Friday morning, which is still a weekday which every student must go to their schools. Prince at his home is preparing for his school. “Prince hurry up! Your school bus is already here!” his mother Jelly shouted. He panic and grab his bag for him to go. At the school bus, he sat beside his “best friend” Dionelyn. “What’s up?” she asked. “I’m fine, just wake up feeling weird”, he answered. “Are you sick man? Are you sure you can go to school with that feeling?”. “I can make it, hope so” Prince answered lamely. While on the school bus, Prince felt itchy that he cannot stop scratching his body. Scratch and scratch until he came to their school.

'His class started, a class after a class. Until Ma’am Tapia, their World Literature teacher assigned a group play to be performed next Monday. Prince remembered that he is grouped with bunch of girls and a boy. They were Dionelyn, Cielo, Gwen, Poleng, Michelle, Marbhie and Kent. “Okay, go with your group and discuss about your plan” said Ma’am Tapia. So did her students find their places. Group number 2 which Prince and Dionelyn belong, planned to have a rehearsal at Prince’s house. Prince felt nervous that his classmates will ruin their house especially the laboratory of his father.

It‘s Saturday, the day of their rehearsal. They met at the nearest known convenient store. 7:30 am sharp was their plan to meet but other members arrived 8:30 in the morning. They were all set to go to Prince’s house. When they arrived, Prince welcomed his classmates at their living room. “Have a sit, feel free at our house” he said. “Let me get our script that I made upstairs at my room, and please stay with your values” he added. Prince went upstairs. While he is upstairs, Poleng, his stubborn classmate went around his house. She called her other classmates for the amazing laboratory she have seen. Because of Prince’s mom Jelly, the students were sent back to their sit. Jelly had looked also to the laboratory and saw the bottles which Prince also seen few days ago. Like Prince had his first impression, Jelly took those bottles and put ice for the guest. Every glass were filled with different colors. Jelly served it to the guest as juices. Dionelyn and her other groupmates picked their favorite colers. Dionelyn got the white, Cielo got the black-spotted yellow, Gwen got orange-spotted yellow, Poleng got the bright yellow, Kent got the black, Michelle got the green and Marbhie got the gray one. They held their glasses and drunk the liquid. After that, everyone felt weird, just like what Prince felt before. They looked at each other’s eyes and the weirder it felt until the last drop of the drink. Prince then, went down stairs with the script but everyone cannot move on of what they’re feeling.

Early in the morning, they all had their morning sickness. Every passing day each of them feels more different. At their school, they isolate themselves from each other thinking that they are the only one that has that feeling not knowing that they are all in the same situation. Prince became hairy, that he have to shave everyday; Dionelyn’s lower face skin is becoming harder and harder as if it was a beak; Gwen feet are becoming webbed; Michelle’s skin becomes slimy; Cielo is developing a tail and her nails grows longer. Poleng’s skin is becoming scaly. Marbhie’s legs get slimmer and lastly, Kent is developing a tail. They used accessories or clothes to cover the abnormalities happening in their body.

One time, at girl’s rest room, Dionelyn and the other girls who had drunk the weird liquid found out that they are all in the same situation, Dionelyn, being the best friend of Prince immediately opened it up to him. Prince, then, told it to Kent. After that, they all become friends and became a group.

Just then, a few days later, the biggest change happened to each of them. All of them became animals; animals that corresponds to the changes that happen to them. Prince became a big, brown bear; Dionelyn, a dove, Gwen, a duck, Poleng, a snake, Cielo, a cheetah, Marbhie, a crane, Michelle, a chameleon and lastly, Kent, a horse. They did not know what to do. They grew scared and frightened for they thought that others might harm and kill them. Prince, being the son of a scientist decided to make a solution of a formula that might help them. He sneaked into their laboratory and tried to make the solution. He made one and immediately, he told the others about it. They drunk Prince’s solution together and luckily, it was effective. They were back to normal, their usual selves.

Night came and all of them were home. It was 9 at the evening when again each of them turned back to their animal form. They don’t know what to do, so they just slept.

Next morning, they became human again. There they discovered that the effect of the solution is only from morning until 9 pm. But when they are in their human form, they discovered that they still possess the qualities of the animals they are when night. Prince, as the bear, possesses the strength of his fist. He was talking to his classmate one day and after that he accidentally bumped a person but before he know it, the person was at the end of the hall. Dionelyn encountered quarreling classmates, when she touched one of that two, that one keep quit, smile and said sorry to the her opponent. As the other one did the same thing when Dionelyn touched her. Cielo, at her physical education class, she finished the trail in just 10 seconds, it is really strange because Cielo was used to be in the later part of the rank list. Poleng also at her physical education class, at dancing a gypsy dance she go the most flexible body that he can join gymnastics instantly. Gwen in her swimming class was able to float at the water without inserting effort. Kent at his way to home, he kicked a tin can, not inserting effort but the can flew so hard that it broke 6 windows of the 3 consecutive building. Michelle at the hallway was talking to her friend but her friend strangely asked, “Where are you michelle? Stop hiding.” Michelle got confused and ran away home. Marbhie while walking, she slipped at a banana peel yet she maintained her balance.

Their secrets we’re maintained secrets until one day, Prince was caught by his dad Robert shape shifting to a bear. “Let me explain dad.” His dad listened to the thousands of explanation of Prince. “Where are the your friends?” Robert asked. “They must be outside now for our good” he answered. “Let me meet them tomorrow, maybe I can help you with your problem.” “Aye Aye sir!” Prince answered gracefully answered. As prince goes to the group, he told them the great news. But Dionelyn at her dove form, sneaked in at Prince’s house and listened to Robert talking at the phone. “Stupid kids, they do not know what will be their biggest mistake in their lives” Robert said. She was alarmed and told those to her friends. Her friends decided to go to the nearest forest for them to live for the meantime.

They lived their almost a month planning what will they do but they did not formulate a single bit. Before knowing, they were followed by the crazy scientists. They were having their experiment for observing first what the activities they were doing in the forest. Then the scientist kidnapped them one by one and sent to their laboratories. But Robert, the father of Prince felt guilty for what he is doing. He let them free at one night but the other scientist shot Sir Robert. “Run son, Run!” Robert shouted. “I can’t leave you here” Prince answered. “Hurry! Go to my laboratory, there is a solution that can remove permanently… y… yo… your… disease.” Robert said as a father. The heartbeat of Robert suddenly stop. “Father!!!” Prince cried.

They ran through the forest until they got into Prince’s house. Rashly to the laboratory they ran and saw the solution Sir Robert was saying. They held the bottle and looked at each other thinking what will they do next. Will they Drink the solution to be free from the animorph prisoning? Or love what gift they possess?

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