I'm friend with the monsters

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Sierra Flores over to me i stare at be amazed her eyes are puffy she's in torn up jeans and a bloody shirt cole appears I can't say anything I'm speechless 'Ana I've missed you how did you find me' 'I..I ran away and a man took me hear' Sierra starts to sobb i cradel her in my arms I starts to sobb and cole wraps his arms around us. When cole and Sierra is asleep I get up and walk over to the huge window I feel someone wrap there arms around me and breath down my neck he twizzles me around it was cole he put his arms around my neck 'i want to get to know you your story' he wispers 'umm I'm not that intresting I have lots of bullies and my dad used to hit and kick me and my brother my mum was always drunk and went to clubs and was always cheating on my dad I had to look after my little brother isack' i stutter 'i want to show you something' cole drags me accross the floor he coversy eyes and takes me to some were I open my eyes and were outside a Starbucks he drags me into and loads of ghosts are every were cole took me to a table and introduced me to Jackson brosnan and callum I sat next to cole the boys were staring at me i felt so uncomftorble then cole took my hand and kisses it and looks at the boy that stop stating and start talking to each other. I was just staring into coles eyes has really cute why did he kill his self hes awsome I think I love him but how could i love someone who is dead but its not like i have any friends ive ran away and my only friend has left me hear whith ghosts but im hear with soo nice people i miss my sisster so much now shes hear now i can live with her. After staring out the widow for half an hour i go to sleep when i wake from my slumber i hear Sierra singing i walk up to her and hug her i then go to ny bag to take out some fresh clothes and go to the ladies toilets i change and walk out im starving i go into an abandond restarant i walk in and tons of ghosts are there ghost cheffs ghost waiters and waitresses.all i could think about was my stomach pizzzzzzza...Hot dogs...burgers...pasta i get pizza when i bite into the pizza and my teeth slam shut 'oh god people cant eat ghost food, i sigh im sure im going to starve i get up what if im dreaming and im asleap i pinch my self nah im not. I miss isack and my mum. I walk over to cole 'hey' i say 'hi' he says back 'you hungry' he says curiously 'yes very' 'want to come with me to a restarant' 'no i cant its ghost food and im human and dont you touch me whith your ghost hands' 'oh ok i will get sierra to get you some thing to eat an hour passes and bo one is to be seen like the ghosts arnt even existing i hear a chain and a huge man walks in i dont move im sitting on the floor i scoot under a chair he walks passed me three times then i see Tim the man cant see Tim so Tim starts picking stuff up and throwing the man legs it out of the door he didnt even lock it then Tim pulls me out under the chair i walk over to the door its raining i close it and look back at to the door and just leg it i run and run the rain is running down my face i run to my house i look at my house its burnt down the i see my mum and Isack hovering around the burnt wreck there ghosts what happend tears fall down my face i have no one i go back to that building i climb the stairs then i hear someone calling my name its cole 'dont do it' he says worridley 'i love you but my mums dead i have no one your dead so is my sister i have no one who is real i want to be with you i cant love if im a human i have no one no house its burnt down my step dad could be looking for me to hurt me i hate him my friend betrayed me just let me do it' i burst into tears and break down i crawl over to the edge of the building cole is looking at me worriedly i love him i have no friends i need to do this 'just let me' i say 'o..o..k' he stutters i look at him hes not wet but i dont know what to do i get up and walk to the edge i feel dizzy and faint and i fall on to the ground when i get up im still on top of the building i look up and i see

Who is this I think we're is cole is it my step dad the big man again Sam who I see a shadow of a man what's he going to do to me...

My step dad he has a smirk on his face 'oh your so pretty darling why would you ever think of running away from us we love you but you obviously don't love us why' i try to sit up but he's sad on me 'get off' 'no no I can't do you want to know what happend to your bi**h of a mum and that brat isack' 'why would you kill them' 'now it's time to and your life' he reached into his pocket then I see Sierra and Cole and Tim and Isack and my mum behind him Tim touches my step dad's arm and they all have wepons and they all start beating him up he calls down and I scramble away and run to my mum 'go do it if you really want to do it there is no turing back'
I go over to the edge cole hovers next to me 'you don't have to do this we can still be toghether we are all hear for you' 'i know but it looks like I'm talking to my self' 'don't do this to yourself we all love you please dont you will never forgive your self' he walks rewards me he strokes my cheeck 'don't do this' he kisses me it felt amazing then all of a sudden I feel like Im falling 'you jumped as wall's hit the ground the last thing I saw was cole float up...

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