Emotionally drained

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"You made me emotionally drained for the past week!" I yell at him and he smiles while laughing.
"What's so f'n funny!" I yell at him even louder and he covers my mouth.
"What's funny? What's funny is you think it's my fault! I didn't do shit to you! You did this to yourself!" He yells at me and I start to tear up.
"Why are you crying! You had it coming and you knew it all along!" He yells at me as he uncovers my mouth.
"Just get out already! I can't take it anymore!" I'm trying to yell at him but it was to quiet and low to count as yelling.
"What did you say?! I can't hear you over the sound of the weakness in your pathetic voice!" He yells at me and I don't even try to talk back. I then hear the door slam, along with glass breaking.
"Shit! Please, please don't let it be what I think that was!" I say to myself as I run out the room and I can feel glass under my feet along with the blood.
"This isn't happening! No this isn't real!" I tell myself as I see the broken pieces of what was my mothers glass cabinet all over the floor.
I start to pick the pieces up but instead I cry uncontrollably when I see the picture of me and my mom broken. This picture and cabinet were the only thing that I had left of my mom and now it's gone! I start to text him to show him what he's done and I send him this:

 This picture and cabinet were the only thing that I had left of my mom and now it's gone! I start to text him to show him what he's done and I send him this:

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Thanks for breaking the only thing I had left of my mother!!!

Once I'm done picking up the pieces of everything I start to lose the feeling in both my feet. I forgot to pull the pieces of glass out of my feet and now it looks like a murder happened on my floor. I start to dial 911 for an ambulance because I can't move my feet now and I'm afraid to pull out the glass myself. Before I know it I black out and I wake up in the hospital with people hovering over me.
"She's lost to much blood...." The voice starts to fade and the next thing I know I'm in a room with bright lights shining in my face.
"We're losing her! Someone hand me the defibrillator!" I hear someone say and I feel sharp pains through my chest.
I start to think of how blood loss from feet can cause someone to nearly die. Finally I wake up in a room with the sun shining in. I open my eyes and I start to freak out. I can't move my feet!

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