Uninvited Guest

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"Something smells good." I observed, looking into the small kitchen to find Elise doing some cooking. She must have been out shopping while I was uh... Preoccupied. "Can I help?"

"Uh sure." She said, and I moved closer to her, smiling gently as I saw her straighten up. "You can keep stirring this." She moved to hand me he spoon and my fingers brushed hers for a brief moment. Her face burned and mine colored as well. I expected her to say something but instead she pushed past me and went to the fridge where a crust was waiting.
I mentally punched myself. Why was I so awkward?

"Can you give that to me now?" She said, gesturing to the spoon I'd been holding. She had a strict tone and was avoiding my eyes.
"You don't need to stir it anymore."

I nodded and handed her the spoon, she set it down and took the bowl from me, expertly pouring it into the crust, a look of gentle determination and concentration on her face. Cute.
She then laid the top of the crust over top and poked some holes. I assumed it was to keep it from burning or something.
(My only food experience was making instant noodles).

"You can put it in the oven if you want." She said, pushing it towards me. I nodded and taking an oven mitt from her, I slid it into the small oven I was surprised they'd incorporated into this dorm. I expect nothing less from the best college in this town.
As I thought I realized she was laughing. I turned, oven mitt covered hands on my hips.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

She giggled and pointed to my shirt. My face reddened for the millionth time today.
"I just really like Shibe's okay?" I said, defensively.

That's when she laughed even harder. "I like them too! I just thought it was cute you had it on a shirt!"


As we waited for the pie to finish, I wandered back to my desk and picked back up my pen to work. She went into her room and sang. It was nice to listen to but not nearly as nice as the heavenly 'Ding' that let me know it was time to eat.

I was just getting up when Elise dashed out of her room and into the kitchen. She carefully took out the pie and I was there in a blink. She scooped the pie onto some plates and I grabbed some of the plastic silverware she had bought at the store.
"Looks good!" I stated, and stuck a bite of the pie into my mouth.

"Wait!" I faintly heard Elise say.

Holy cow.

"Ah!" I screamed, struggling to swallow the blazing bite as it burned my esophagus, and torched my taste buds. She gave me a look that resembled a disappointed parent.
"Told you it was hot." She said.

I gave her a dirty glare.

"Yeah, yeah. When can we eat it?"

"When it's cool." She said, and moved the pie to the counter top.

10 minutes passed and then I was finally able to indulge. She put some of the pie into little plastic plates and served them with styrofoam cups of apple juice.

Amazing. That was the thought hanging on my brainwaves as I popped another bite of hot pot-pie into my mouth and chewed appreciatively. It felt like forever since I'd had a home cooked meal. And to be cooked by a cute girl? My life was going perfectly.

Until he arrived.

"This is really good!" I said. "How did you learn to make this?"

She smiled sweetly. "My mom taught me."

I was just about to put another bite in my mouth before a surprised yelp followed by a loud crash echoed through the dorm.

"What the heck was that?" Elise exclaimed, jumping up. I was about to join her but I assumed she had it under control.

Never assume.

"Who the heck are you?" Elise cried.

Another loud bang.


My heart dropped. I knew that voice. I jumped up and was about to make my way into the kitchen when I heard more arguing and the sound of things being thrown.

"Kento! Kento help! There's a crazy lady here and I think she's plotting to kill me!"

I ran in then, turning in the door way I saw Dynus covered in cookie crumbs and looking towards me. Elise was seething, angry and shocked, also covered in cookie crumbs.

"Dynus?" I exclaimed, blinking.

"You know him!?" Elise shouted, glaring my way.

I looked back at Dynus who was looking wild eyed.
"He's a uh... Friend." I glared at him. "Come here this instant!"

"Okay." He said, hopping down and strutting past Elise who looked murderous. I saw him stick his tongue out at her and I snatched him by his pointed ear. I dragged him away from the kitchen where Elise was beginning to clean up and pulled him into my room.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked him, as he flopped down on my half-made bed and made himself comfortable.

"Well," he said, yawning. "I stayed a little bit to make sure you were okay and then I turned invisible after I didn't hear you or your girlfriend after a bit-"

"She's not my girlfriend." I spat. "She's my roommate."

"Sure." He giggled. "Anyway, after I turned invisible I came in to see you guys were all off to dream land and decided to explore."

I glared. "You aren't supposed to be here Dynus, let alone rummage around like a scavenger."
He laughed.

"Then you guys woke up and I hid in your closet. It was easy since there isn't really anything in there. Then when you guys ate I snuck into the kitchen and smelled something good and well..."

"Good job Dynus."
He shrugged.

"Listen," I told him. "You can't be here."


I stomped my foot in frustration. "Because this is my home! ... For now."

"Can it be my home for now too?"


He pouted and threw a pillow at me. "You're quite ungrateful to the one who saved you from all...that."

"I'm not ungrateful, you're just being an insufferable twit."

Elsie stomped into the room, hand on hip. "Is he still here?"

I sighed and turned to look at her, running a hand through my hair, then I glanced at Dynus, who was wrestling with my pillow like a toddler. "It's late. He can stay here tonight."

Elise looked appalled, "No way! He's not staying here!"

"It's...just for tonight. We can all have some more pie and then he'll be gone by tomorrow..." I cut my eyes over to Dynus who was looking at me hopefully. "Right?"

Dynus saluted, "Yes!"

"Then let's finish dinner and get to bed." I sighed and Elise trudged away.

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