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Two days had passed, and, although the crew of the Ghost tried to carry on with their day-to-day activities as per usual, it was impossible to ignore the gundark in the room: the Sith-spawned she-dog (Kanan had taken to referring to her in his head) that had unwillingly taken up residence in their cargo hold.

The ysalamiri oil was bothering him too. The presence of the Sith woman was maddening enough, but what was worse was that he couldn't feel through the Force where she was. He knew in his mind, of course, but he was so used to having awareness of the entire ship on another level that it was extremely jarring to suddenly have a blind spot occasionally mottled with the sheer power of the Dark Side show up on his mental map of the ship.

And he was worried about Ezra. The kid was far too trusting, and no matter how many people had betrayed or let him down in some way, he would still believe everyone who crossed his path until it was too late.

Kanan had lost that trust within the first three days of the Operation Knightfall. Ezra's naiveté was both a blessing and a curse, and he would probably be better off without it, but the kid was a part of the crew and his apprentice. And Kanan would protect what was his.

He looked over at the kid, who was walking beside him as they made their way down the hallway of the Kyzeron Sunset, Teri's blue-and-white corvette, where the rest of the crew was interfacing with Commander Sato, who was aboard another ship flying alongside them.

He sighed quietly. The fact that they were on Teri's ship wasn't easing the feeling of unease that had been twisting itself into a knot in his stomach for the last few days, either. It was the belly of the beast as far as he was concerned.

"Ezra," Kanan began, but realized belatedly that Ezra probably wouldn't take his views on the situation well.

But it was too late to take it back, because Ezra spoke up a moment later. "Yeah? What is it?"

"Kid, you need to keep an eye out." On the inside, Kanan winced. Bad start, he thought, exhaling quietly.

Ezra shot him a look. "What? Why?"

"I don't like the looks of this. Teri's got stuff going on that I don't think is good for us, okay? He's way too protective of that Darksider for no reason at all, and I don't like it."

"What are you talking about?" Ezra asked, just a hint of hostility discernable in his tone. "Teri is one of the nicest guys I've ever met! He hasn't done anything to hurt us... The Inquisitor woman was just him trying to think ahead, like he said."

"I'm not so sure about that. Just..." Kanan looked up, noting that they were getting close to the door to the bridge, as well as about to come across another obstacle. "Watch your step, kid."

"I'm okay, Kanan!" Ezra huffed. "Why won't you just let me–"

He broke off with a cry of surprise as he suddenly tripped over a raised section in the floor – a metal cover for a pipe of some kind – and was sent sprawling. He rubbed his backside, a little dazed from the fall.

"I didn't mean that figuratively," Kanan said with a chuckle, offering Ezra his hand to help him up.

Ezra smiled, taking it. "I'll try to be more aware next time, I guess."

The door in front of them slid open just as the hologram of Commander Sato flickered into view. It wasn't safe to stop the fleet so that the Sunset could dock with the newly appointed flagship, and that need for mobility was the reason why they were communicating with him via HoloNet instead of in person.

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