DragonTale Part 1

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Frisk stood from where she had fallen. Her whole body ached with the pain of the fall.

" Well what did you expect," she told herself," You fell down a huge hole in the ground. It's gonna hurt." Her plan hadn't worked as expected. She hadn't died from the fall. Something had padded her landing. She looked down at the golden flowers she was standing in. Did these things save her life? If so, she reached down and picked one, they might be good luck. She stuck the flower in her hair then turned to leave. There was no point in staying here. She had to move forward. She walked through the door at the side of the cavern. Hopefully it would lead to escape. But it didn't. It was just another room. With another flower in it. Frisk stared at the flower disappointed. More flowers. Yay. She went to walk around it and it moved. She was surprised but even more so when it started to speak.


Frisk looked at him weird.

"Hmmm... You're new to the UNDERGROUND, aren'tcha?"

Frisk nodded.

"Golly, you must be so confused......," He paused," Where are you going?"

Frisk stopped to think. "Up. I hope."

"It's really dangerous down here. You've landed right in the dragon's nest. Literally."

"Wait, Dragon's?!"

"Heh. Yep. They've been trapped down here for who knows how long. There's a lot of them and I don't think they'll take kindly to a human walking around."

"But I thought they were only stories. H-How am I supposed to get by them."

"I can help.... I have my reasons but they're not important. You willing?" He extended a leaf as if asking to shake hands.

Frisk glanced at the leaf.

Flowey pulled his leaf back," You're not trusting. That's good here. Should we be going?"

"Yes we should."

Frisk walked on not waiting for Flowey to follow. She was impatient. She didn't want to meet any of the dragons. Especially if they were as dangerous as the stories told. She walked into the other room smacked her face into a locked door."Wha-"

Flowey popped up next to them,"That's called a door."

"Like I didn't know."

"Well I figured," He shrugged," That you didn't know what it was since you ran into it."

"heheh veeeeeerrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy funny. How are we supposed to get past it?"

"It's a puzzle. The Ruins are filled with them. Lucky for you I know how to solve this one. Just walk on that button, then that one, then that one, and then that one," he said gesturing," then flip the switch."

Frisk stepped on the buttons as Flowey had directed."Like this?"

"Yes, that's correct. Now flip the switch."

She grinned to herself. As much as she didn't trust Flowey it was nice to have him around. She'd never of gotten past the door if he hadn't been here. She hit the switch," Thanks."

Flowey looked surprised then angry." It was nothing," he grumbled," anyways the doors open."

"Oh, yes, it is," Frisk noted. She could tell that Flowey was uncomfortable.

Flowey dropped underground then reappeared in the other room." Come on we ha-," he froze looking up above the door.

"Flowey? What is it? What's going on?"

"R-R-Run!" He gasped out his eyes not even moving from the spot on the wall.


Flowey turned to look at her "JUST RUN!!! IT'S TORIEL!!!

Frisk's eyes widened as she stumbled back. The door was suddenly filled with the face of a large beast. It's large slitted eye rested on her. Frisk couldn't move. It was as if a huge weight had been placed on her. "N-no," she wimpered afraid. She felt trapped in that eye. It's blue gapping depths swallowed her whole until she could feel nothing. The hand reached out plucking her up from the ground and pulled her through the door. Frisk's vision blurred she felt so cold and yet so hot all at the same time. She weakly tried to struggle wishing that the creature would just eat her already. Why was it waiting? Why.....

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