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"So you want to know about Jia and Kadhi, right?" Hoseok asked, with a questioning look on his face.

Oh god, we seem like creepy stalker people don't we. He's not going to tell us anything about where my friends are, Jungkook and I aren't going to figure out this photo crap. My whole life is going to change and I'm going to be stuck with Jungkook. I frowned and looked at Jungkook for help, he nodded at me smiling before turning to Hoseok.

"We just wanted to know if anyone knew them, Adiah here found something that belonged to them, didn't you?" Jungkook said, nudging me in the side with his elbow.

What I didn't find- wait, he was going somewhere with this. I guess I just have to play along, I nodded my head slowly, "yeah, uh, I did!"

"Yeah, so we wanted to return it because her mum is forcing us too, so we wanted to know where they were so we could return it," Jungkook finished and gave me a small wink.

You little cute genius boy.

Hoseok nodded his head in understanding, "I guess that's reasonable, they go to the other school in town, that's all I can tell you. Oh and they have some after school studying session that they're going to at they're school tomorrow, perhaps you could go there and return that thing to them!"

"Thank you, come on Adiah we've got to get going," Jungkook gave Hoseok a friendly hadn't shake before dragging me away from him. "Bye Hoseok."

Once we were out of sight I jumped on Jungkook and hugged him, squeezing him tightly, "thank you so much Jungkook for helping me, I thought I was going to lose the chance to find out about where my friends had disappeared to."

Jungkook wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back, "it's not a problem."

I realised how awkward this was, because I barely knew him and I was now hugging him. I coughed and let go of him, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck.

The bell rang signalling that lunch was over and I groaned because I hadn't eaten anything all day. Jungkook laughed and grabbed a musli bar out of his pocket, handing it to me before disappearing. I quickly gobbled it up and went to my next class.

The teacher went on about a stupid group project about histories greatest mistakes and I groaned knowing that I'd probably be paired with someone I strongly dislike. That's how evil teachers were and showed how much they hated me.

"Adiah, your paired with Taehyung," the teacher said and my heart skipped a beat. Taehyung... the hot one, yes.

Taehyung smiled and waved at me, I grinned at him. My heart fluttered at the sight of his rectangular grin. Thank the lord for finally giving me an attractive piece of ass as a partner.


Walking home was once again another worst experience that also involved Jungkook yapping on about a pretty girl that's in his class. Pretty my ass, she probably looks like an alpaca that spits everywhere. Wait a minute... Perfect couple. Toad and Alpaca. I wonder what their children would look like.

"She's so pretty oh my gosh, like I was literally staring at her the whole time during class," Jungkook said, going on and on.

Kill me please.

"No one cares, but anyway, time for my life story, Taehyung is my partner for this project that the teacher set for us. I'm so happy, like really happy because he's extremely attractive and he's coming over mine tomorrow!" I said, grinning as Jungkook frowned at me.

"He's not attractive," Jungkook stated, his eyes hardening.

I snorted, "Maybe because you haven't got good taste in men."

"I'm straight, I don't need to have good taste in men."

"Mhm, sure you're 'straight', that's what they all say, you'll be running off with a guy soon enough and leave me behind," I said, laughing as he made a disgusted face.

"No thanks."

"Come on Jungkook keep your options open, you wont always get the girl of your dreams!" I shook my head at him.

"I will one day." Jungkook said as we separated ways.

Before I entered my house a thought ran through my head.... I wonder why it was Jungkook who appeared in my photos....out of all the people in the world..


So this is a short and extremely crappy chapter because I was rushing to get it done for you guys.

I hope you enjoyed this in someway or another and thank you so much for reading.

Also, guys, this may seem weird but a few days ago I had a dream of Min Yoongi's naked sweet sugary ass and I can't get it out of my head. I also touched it in my dream, it was so squishy and soft. It's literally imprinted into my mind.

Please help. I need help. I'm gonna cry.

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