The Dying Girl

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  • Dedicated to Aunt Vicki

The Dying Girl.

Chapter 1

Cancer /ˈkænsər/ , known medically as a malignant neoplasm, is a term for a large group of different diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth. In cancer, cells divide and grow uncontrollably, forming malignant tumors, and invade nearby parts of the body. The cancer may also spread to more distant parts of the body. Healthy cells control their own growth and will destroy themselves if they become unhealthy. May lead to death. Cancer, this is the disease I had.

Stomach Cancer to be specific. We talked about this before in science class. How it takes over your body. The cancer cells killing the healthy ones, the two fighting against each other. Just like me and my little brother did often. I smiled a little of the thought of us fighting over silly things like who got the last piece of cake.

The memory was instantly replaced by the thought of me leaving him. The memory of those tears running down his young 13 year old face. His usually sparkly brown eyes full of sorrow. Then the memory of my father and mother wrapping their arms around him, them too crying. The memory of them just finding out. But this was no memory, it was reality. I found out that I had cancer when I was getting a cat scan and i heard a gasp from the doctor operating it only a hour before where I am now.

I sat in the bed of my new room, or as others call it, the hospital room. Yes, the white walled, sickening place that they try to make happy and cheerful. But there's no use, people die here every day, how is it even possible to make it heartwarming. They try to make it look like a place where your happy to come to. But in reality nobody is, maybe exept the people coming to get their loved ones to go back home, 100% healthy. I began to think back on the months before I came here and before I knew I had cancer and when I too, was 100% healthy.

*Four Months Earlier*

"Honey, wake up it's your first day of 11th grade!" My mother said shaking my shoulders a little bit trying to get me up.

I groaned and sat up from my oh so comfortable bed that I was very hesitant to get out of. Rubbing the sleep out of my eye, I saw my moms' smiling face, and brunette hair that I had inherited from her pinned up into a bun.

"Pancakes are down stairs if you want some." she sang walking out of my bedroom. I did love my mom very much, even though she can be kind of obnoxious and try to fit in with my generation, you know the Holister shirt with the American Eagle jeans I still couldn't bare to lose her.

And then you had the all American dad. He was really like my best friend, I could really come to him for anything, except the stuff where you come to your mom for. You could say I'm daddy's little girl , cause that's really what I am. Even when I was little I would pretend to be a lawyer just like he was, dressed up in a Sunday church dress and defend people in cases and such.

I finally arose from the sitting position in my bed opening my shade to a sunny summer day. Even though summer is over, I can't wait to see everyone again.Though I did see most of my friends during the summer, it's different then seeing them everyday.

Especially my best friend Tyler. I know, most girls have best friends that are girls but even though he's a guy I couldn't live with out him for a second and I love him to death. But not in a more than friend kind of way. He was the one that held me when my ex boyfriend broke up with me last year. That let me cry on him shoulder and watched Amanda Bynes movies with me. And that is just one reason he's my best friend. But there's so much more things.

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