Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ok first, the point of this story is to make my readers feel something. Not just read the story, I want to show emotion and hopefully help you feel what the characters feel and put you in the book. Cause that really what books do, and if you can make the readers feel the emotion of the characters, characters that arnt real. Then I'll feel like I accomplished something.

Also I wanted to write about a cancer story because I have lost two aunts to Cancer one to Stomach and Leukemia. Also another one of my aunts, right after my Aunt Vicki died of Stomach cancer, got diagnosed with Breast Cancer and I thank God that she is now free of Cancer but that's why so heres the second chapter, enjoy!

Chapter 2

My busy thoughts erased as a busty women that looked like she could be in her forties walked into my room.

"Hello, I'll be your nurse while your here, My name is Mrs. Sheldon but you can just call me Maybell." She smiled bright at me, a thick Texan accent revealing with each word.

"Uh, He-." my voice was dry and musty. After clearing my throat real quick, I finish the 'Hello'.

"Now, If you don't mind you will have to change into this gown while you stay here until tomarrow when you can go home and get everything you need." she looked at me with sad eyes. She knew I hated wearing these things, well probably because everybody does.

I stood up from my sitting possision on the hospital bed. Reaching for the white gown with light blue strips going across. I nodded at her with a light smile very unsure about this. I would much rather stay in my own comfortable jeans and sweat shirt. I opened up the long dress like thing revealing that it did have a back. And thank God for that. I saw a small bathroom off to the side of the room, walking up to it an hearing Maybell shut the door to my room.

The smell of bleach and other cleaning solutions hit my nose right away. This was definitely not like my bathroom, with the smell of Victoria Secrets Pink spray. This was going to be a change. I stalked over to the small square mirror look at myself. My light brown eyes looking back, and soon enough my long flowing brunette hair will be replaced with a wig. I had to pinch myself,this whole thing was just too unreal, it had to just be a dream.

I felt the pinch, looking down at my small hand, a little indent beginning to turn a light red color. This was definitely not a dream this was real life. I looked back up at myself. Tear that I didn't even feel coming began to pour. I forcefully tried to wipe them away but more and more kept coming like rain in the rainforest. My mascara began staining my face in thick black lines.

"No Ella, stop crying, you are stronger than this!" I scream at myself through the mirror,practically scaring myself. I sunk to the freezing tile floor of the bathroom, hands covering my eyes. I sat there crying for what seemed like forever.Tear never seemed to stop. Suddenly a light knock on the door distracted me for a moment.

"Is everything ok?" the same Texan accent rang in my ears.

"Yes." I replied quietly. But really everything wasn't. And nothing will be OK until I'm cancer free and at my home, going back to school and sitting around the dining room table with my family.

"Family." the single word came out of my mouth again in a wisper. I needed to talk to them. What were they thinking right now? Where were they? I needed to find them.

I changed quickly first slipping off my white vans,along with my American Eagle skinny jeans then my Loveland, Colorado sweat shirt that I had gotten when we went snowboarding there last year during Christmas break.Probably the best vacation I've ever gone to also, when I was healthy. Before all the painful symptoms began to take place.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2011 ⏰

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