Yellow Rubber Duck

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The one with the last minute plans.


"Daddy, come pway with my duckies!" Finn called out as Jaxon reappeared in the open bathroom doorway, having answered a call just a few minutes before. Extended bath time was a bit of a luxury because of how quickly we usually had to be out the door in the morning, but the band was playing two shows in three days, so we were enjoying the little bit of down time.

He smiled as he shoved his phone into the back of his jeans, squatting down in front of the tub and reaching out for one of the many rubber ducks floating on the water. "Can I play with this one?"

Finn nodded, selecting another duck to play with as Audra took a small bucket and poured water over the waterfall contraption stuck to the wall so that she could watch all the wheels turn and I sat on top of the closed lid of the toilet and watched with a goofy smile on my face.

It was times like these that made me wish I had kids of my own, because no matter how tense my relationship with Jaxon had been up until about two days ago, there was nothing quite as heartwarming as watching him play with his kids. He absolutely adored them, not that there was ever any doubt in that department, and I honestly wished he believed in his parental instincts more because he was a natural.

"Big plans tonight?" He glanced up at me as he maneuvered his rubber ducky around the tub.

Technically speaking, I wasn't off duty until the twins were asleep, and by that time, I knew I'd be too exhausted to do anything, but I nodded anyways. "Yep. I got a hot date with a book and a cup of hot chocolate."

"Living the wild life, huh?" he laughed, leaving the duck alone and sitting back on his heels, turning his neck to face me.

"Always," I grinned, glad we'd gotten to the point where we could have conversations like this. It had only been a couple days since his apology, but Jaxon seemed to be genuinely making an effort to be interested in my life and I appreciated the thought. "You going out with the boys tonight?"

I knew the answer even before he shook his head. Benji had mentioned earlier that there was a bar he wanted to check out and he was excited to go because it had been awhile since he and the boys had painted the town red. But of course Jaxon would find a reason to stay home. "You should go."

"What?" He lifted his eyebrows in surprise, wiping his palms on his jeans and standing up straight, probably startled that I had the confidence to say something to him that sounded like an order.

"Out with Benji and Peter." I repeated firmly, knowing Trey wasn't feeling well and probably wouldn't join them. "You should go."

"I can't."

"Why not?" I stared at him pointedly.

"My kids, for starters," he glanced at Finn and Audra, who were now in the midst of splashing each other with water.

I managed to resist the urge to roll my eyes. "I can handle your kids on my own."

"You know how hyper they get at night," he replied lamely, and I could tell he knew he wasn't going to win this battle.

"Funnily enough, I do," I laughed, pushing myself to my feet, "because I've been with them for the past three weeks. Plus, the hyperactivity only lasts for like thirty minutes and then they chill before they crash."

"I don't know..." he crinkled his nose in uncertainty, shoving his hands into his front pockets.

"Come on," I smiled softly, lifting my shoulders in a shrug. "You should definitely go. When was the last time you got to hang out and be young and alive?"

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