Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Liam slipped out of the cabin the next morning while Emma continued sleeping peacefully. He'd laid there awake for a long time simply staring at her.

She was beautiful.

The bruises her father had placed upon her were gone. She had a small scar above her lip but it only reminded Liam of how lucky he was to still have her.

He couldn't wait to truly get to know the woman who was his wife. He couldn't wait to watch her grow and change as she came out of her shell and broke loose from the bonds her father had placed on her.

Right now, Liam needed to speak with his own father.

He found Patrick in the barn, just rising from his own makeshift bed. "Good morning, son."

"Good morning, Patrick," Liam replied as he scratched at Misty's neck.

Patrick grunted and his joints popped and cracked as he stretched. "How are you feeling?"

Liam rolled his shoulder with a wince. "Sore. But I'll live."

"Who shot you, Liam? Did you see anybody?"

Liam shook his head. "Didn't see him but I know who it was."

Patrick cursed. "Silas?"

Liam simply shrugged and filled a tin cup with oats. "It doesn't matter. I can't prove it was him."

"It does too matter!" Patrick countered, angrily kicking at a stall door. "You damn near died, son!"

"I know that," Liam replied calmly as he poured the oats into Misty's feed trough.

"So that's it? He's just going to get away with it?"

Liam sighed, wiping his hands on his pants. "I don't see anything else I can do."

Patrick mumbled under his breath a while as Liam worked one handed feeding the rest of the animals.

"So there wasn't any trouble here while I was gone?" he finally asked his father.

"No." Patrick grabbed the water bucket. "I'll water them, Liam. You shouldn't be overusing that arm."

Liam reluctantly accepted the help. Patrick headed out of the barn. "There hasn't been any word of or from Silas, or any other mountain man, while you've been gone. We sure as hell didn't expect him to come after you. I figured he was still nursing those broke ribs."

Liam followed after his father. "We'll just have to hope he's done now. And keep an eye and ear out just in case he isn't."

Patrick nodded. "We'll take care of things. Get back in there to your wife. You'll have company riding out shortly."

"Company?" Liam groaned.

"Anita and Lauren. Probably Kyle and Chase as well."

Looked like there wasn't going to be any quiet, privacy or peace in the near future.

Liam walked back inside and found Emma fastening a belt around her waist. She was fully dressed and he felt a twinge of disappointment. He'd been hoping to see her in that thin, white sleeping gown again.

"Good morning," Liam greeted.

Emma smiled and Liam felt his heart stutter. "Good morning, Liam. Ya look much better this morning."

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