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Sanji panted heavily standing up with wobbly knees.

"Zo-ro." Sanji panted.

"What are you doing here? Your going to catch a cold if you keep standing there-"

"Shut up!" Sanji snapped.

Zoro crossed his arms as Sanji collected himself.

"I didn't run all this way to get lectured by you." Sanji said looking up at him, "I came to tell you, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I let you go, I'm sorry my stupid self was to stubborn to let you try harder. I'm sorry I made you leave."

Sanji's knees gave out as Zoro caught him, he wrapped his arms around Zoro's neck.

"I love you Zoro, I love how you catch me when I fall, open jars I can't open, use me as your weights, and all that stupid stuff."

"Sanji, do you know who I am?" Zoro asked.

Sanji nodded nuzzling against Zoro's cheek.

"Your Roronoa Zoro, you have two sisters, a father with golden hawk eyes, a shitty police officer who gets lost. And, your my roommate who I've fallen desperately in love with."

Zoro embraced Sanji as he cried on Zoro's shoulder. He clutch onto Sanji like he would fly away if he let go. Zoro buried his head between Sanji's shoulder and neck kissing softly. He pulled back as Sanji sniffled, his eyes puffy with tears streaming down his face.

"I missed you so much." Zoro said.

Sanji smiled a little before wiping away his tears. Zoro cupped his cheeks and kissed him roughly. Sanji hummed kissing back. He soon pulled back for air panting softly.

"How did you get your memory back?" Zoro asked.

Sanji's smile faded as he boiled up with anger. He kicked Zoro in his shin. He winced as Sanji poked in repeatedly in the chest.

"You left that stupid pot on the top shelf! I tried to get it but the box I was standing on gave out and I hit my head on the damn fridge! My arms aren't as long as yours so I can't reach that heigh! I told you specifically not to put it up that high!"

Zoro chuckled, "You should be thanking me, I did help get your memory back."

Sanji grumbled hopping up on Zoro's hips and wrapping his arms around Zoro's neck.

"Shut up and kiss me already." Sanji huffed.

Zoro chuckled wrapping his arms under Sanji's thighs and kissed him.

"It's good to see your back to normal Cook-san."

Sanji pulled back seeing Robin leaning against the staircase. Zoro set Sanji down as he smiled softly.

"I hope things go well in your future cook-san." Robin smiled walking up to the door.

She smiled as Sanji gave her a confused  look. She opened the door then stopped she turned back to the couple.

"Oh, Zoro."

She flicked a golden object at Zoro who caught it in his hand.

"I think it's time." She said before leaving.

"Wait! Robin-can it's-" he
opened the door to find her not in the neighborhood, "Raining."

He searched around but she was no where to be found. Sanji huffed shutting the door. Zoro opened his hand to find the ring. He stuffed it in his pocket and looked up to Sanji closing the door.

"Here let me get you some dry clothes." Zoro sighed.

He went upstairs leaving Sanji to tremble in his still wet clothes. His hair was starting to dry but barely and his face was wet from the rain and his tears. He sniffled hugging himself for warmth. He remembered, everything, and it felt good knowing his past with his Zoro. Sanji smiled softly to himself watching the drops of water hit the floor. His smile faded when he remembered Robin tossing something to Zoro. He looked up at the top of the staircase.

"Zoro!" Sanji called.

"What?" Zoro called back.

"What did Robin toss you? And what did she mean by it's time?"

Zoro didn't respond, but walked down the stairs holding some clothes and a towel. He handed them to Sanji before he went to the bathroom to change.

"Zoro! I asked you a question." Sanji said.

"It's nothing. Forget about it."

Sanji stepped out a moment later pulling on the baggy long sleeved shirt and pulled tight on the strings to Zoro's sweatpants. Zoro chuckled at how big the clothes were on Sanji who was just a tiny little thing. He approached Sanji towel drying his head.

"Zoro, tell me. What's going on?" Sanji asked.

He paused with his hands on Sanji's head.

"Marry me." Zoro muttered.

Zoro removed his hands before shuffling around in his pocket. Sanji pulled the towel off his head to his shoulders. Zoro took a knee taking Sanji's hand and kissed his knuckle.

"Sanji, will you marry me?" Zoro asked.

His eyes widened as Zoro awaited his answer. He smiled and chuckled.

"You couldn't pick a romantic setting?" Sanji asked.

"Shut up and answer me." Zoro blushed a soft pink.

"Yeah, I'll marry you shit head."

Zoro stood up embracing Sanji, he smiled as Zoro pulled back and kissed him. Zoro slipping the ring on Sanji's hand. Sanji pulled back looking at the ring with three thin silver stripes around it. The door bursted open with Luffy, Ace, and Sabo all carrying tall boxes of pizza.

"Sanji? What are you doing here?" Luffy asked.

"I got my memory back." Sanji said.

"Oh yeah? Then who am I?" Luffy asked standing proud.

Sanji leaned against Zoro's shoulder, "A bottomless pit of a friend."

"Yep, it's Sanji all right."

The trio went to the kitchen to eat the rest of there pizza's.

"Oi! Zoro! You want some? You'd have to share with Sanji tho." Luffy said.

"Pizza sounds good." Sanji smiled.

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