Chapter 3: The Young Riders of Berk

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~~Dipper's POV~~

In front of us was an island, populated with a lot of wooden houses I've never seen and are mostly combined with metals and iron bars. The scenery down there turned my fear into amazement. Amazed by the bustling of people, going on with their daily lives. This must be what Hiccup told me about. His place called home. But right now, I dont really know what's my current emotion. I mean, I came from a different dimension and Im here on 'their' world. I feel out of place.

Flying above around Berk, I nudge a little to see where were going. We were going to a caged up place but bigger and there a plank of wood, is what I guess is their title. It has a symbol of a curled up dragon, painted in red.

Toothless flew us in to a opened gate of the caged place. On our way inside, as Toothless flew down to the ground, I heard voices that questions for Hiccup's arrival. A blonde haired girl, wearing something like an armour, a fat boy which has a horned helmet, a black haired boy who looks a bit muscular and two thin blonde girl and boy who also wears a horned helmet. Hiccup jump off to meet with the teenage groups. "You stay here with Toothless, alright Dipper?" He requested but I asked him a question, "Why?"
"Because I need a private talk to my fellow viking friends.."

"Okay then.." then his words caught my thoughts, "wait..your a viking!?" I exclaimed, "you dont even look like one..?"

"Look, dont judge someone by their appearance,okay? Well, anyways, stay right there till I get back okay guys?" With that me and Toothless nod. As Hiccup walk away, I consciously had time to talk with Toothless. "Is he really a viking..?" Toothless growled in responce. How can I be so blind? All the facts are all in front of me. Their boats, their outfits and even their  ways of can I not see that?!

~~Hiccup's POV~~

As I left Dipper with Toothless, I walked up to my friends. But before I could say a thing, Astrid's words cut me off. "Hiccup who is that?"

"Its a long story.." I said

"Alright then, why did you bring him here?" She asked another. Then I became serious as we all huddle up.

"The truth thing is..he may be a spy sent by Alvin.."

"Then why did you bring him here?!" Astrid complained

"She's right Hiccup..." Fishlegs said, "A spy would just bring bad news to us here on Berk.."

"If its a spy then...I say we crush him!" stated Tuffnut

"I agree. His just a small boy anyway~" answered Ruffnut

"I dont think that would be a good idea, guys.." I said quite worried.

"Oh yeah? then what would you suggest we should do?" Snotlout responded

I thought for a while till finally, I resolve my resolution. "We need him to trust us.."

"What!?" They all said in unison and I also doubt that Dipper can here them..

"Dont say that aloud!" I whisphered to them. They all quite down then faced me seriously.

"Look, I know you guys dont trust him and that he'll give infos for Alvin but I wouldnt want that to happen again with what happened to us with Heather.."

They all looked at each other, then turned to me. "Alright Hiccup.." Astrid walked towards me with an eager look. "Whats the plan?"

"The plan is to get to know him better and with that, we'll decide on whether to trust him or not. You all can just act natural and be yourselves around him. But, never mention anything about the Book of Dragons. I mean never. So, any suggestions?"

I looked around them as I saw Tuffnut raised his hand. "Yes..Tuffnut?"

"Yes, umm what's the plan again?" Some of us face palmed ourselves by his words.

"Tuffnut..were you even listening?" I said getting a straight point.

"No...Yes....I actually mean to say No"

"Ugh...listen the plan is-.."

"What plan are you guys talking about?" All of us stood there in shock by the sudden appearance of the little boy. I was so sure that he was supposed to stay with Toothless but here he is right in the middle of our plans. Great. With all this happening, I bravely faced him, furrowing my brows. "What are you doing here? Didnt I tell you to stay with Toothless?"

"You did" he simply said, "However, I heard you guys exclaimed with something and I cant help but be curious about what's this plan you guys are talking about?"

"You see we were-.." but I was cut off by the twins "Our plan was supposed to befriend you, which should be proven to trust you or not" Tuffnut said "and Hiccup also told us to not mention you about the Book of Dragons.."Ruffnut said. And so they ended up saying our plans..what a disaster. Wonder what would Dipper say..? I dont wanna find out..

~~Dipper's POV~~

And there I was, standing very confused at what the blonde boy and girl said. So they wanted to befriend me? But why? And why say not to mention about this Book of Dragons? Sure, Im in a different dimension but why would they want to know that I can be trusted? Maybe I should ask this to Hiccup.

"Hiccup.." I saw him jump by his name. "Why would you want to befriend me? and what's this not mentioning about a book?"

"You see Dipper-.." but he was cut off by the blonde girl, who pointed an tamahock at me..I was jumpscared by her actions.

"Before he answers your questions, we want answers coming from you. And if ever you lied, even one bit, I'll slice you to half with this. Understand?"

In fear. I nodded. Should I tell everything? But would they even believe me? But then, since she said truth..well, here comes honesty..

All the teenage vikings, stared at me with neither suspicions or eagerness. The teenage girl, holding an axe at me, asked me a question. "What tribe you are and who sent you?"

I gave a questionable look. But left the thought and I just played along. "Tribe..? Well..umm I'm not from any some tribe. I'm from a place called GravityFalls"

The girl furrowed her brows, "Where is this GravityFalls, you've speak off? I never heard of such place?"

" all wont believe about this but well, to summerize things up, GravityFalls is what you can say 'my world' and its a place where the impossible can be explained. Supernatural events, Monsters appearing, Unexplained secrets and Magical objects. But from all those experiences, I never even thought about that dragon's even exist.." Great. I revealed almost everything..wonder what they are thinking right now? Will they believe me..?

"Are you kidding me!?, do you even expect me to believe in such a place?!" Or not...

~~Hiccup's POV~~

What in the name of gods is Dipper saying? Is he making this up? And I even doubt the others would believe in such a thing. But now that you mention about something like an object, a while back at the cove, he had this light thing in his hand..alright lets try this..

"Dipper" I called to him, " a while back at the cove where I found you, you had this torch thing. If what your saying is the truth..would you mind showing that to us?"

He seemed hesitant for a sec, but gave in. "Alright..If you all dont believe me..I'll show you.."

DONE!♡ Next Chapter:
Oh my hip~! /(^w^)/ Hope you guys enjoyed it!♡

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