Glass and Gun shots...

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Amelia's Pov.

After Zack said that, a bunch of men came out of the warehouse.

"Get them! Get them all!" Zack said.

All of us, except Lily of course, got out of the truck and held up our weapons, but we were to slow, a man grabbed each one of us, took away our weapons, and tied our hands behind our backs.

"Let me go!" I said.

"Why should we?" Zack said and nodded at a man that was near the truck and he reached inside the truck to grab Lillian.

"Leave her alone!" I yelled as the man dragged Lillian out of the truck.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Lillian screamed and Logan kicked the man that was holding his arms so he couldn't go anywhere.

Then the man punched Logan and he fell to the ground.

"Leave them alone!" I yelled.

"You dick." Logan said to the man that punched him as he was trying to get up.

"Tie her up too, and put some tape on Amelia's mouth." Zack said and the man tied Lillian's hands behind her back as tears rolled down her cheeks and a man put duck tape on my mouth. "Bring Amelia, Anniston, Lillian, Logan, and Cole in the meeting room and put the rest in the old storage room." Zack said and a man forced each and everyone of us inside the warehouse and the rooms we were supposed to go in.

They forced Lillian, Logan, Cole, Anniston, and me inside a old room that Alivia and Katie were in.

"Alivia!" Cole said.

"Alivia! Katie!" Anniston said.

Alivia and Katie just stared at us, they looked scared and worried.

"Get them each a chair." Zack commanded and another man that was already in the room before us got five more chairs and set them in a row a few feet away from each chair.

Then the men that forced each of us in the warehouse forced us to sit down in the chairs and tied us to the chairs and a man ripped the duct off my mouth. I sat between Alivia and Logan, Logan sat beside Lillian, Lillian sat beside Anniston, Anniston sat beside Cole, and Katie sat on the other side of Alivia.

"So you killed, Max, my step brother?" Zack said looking straight at me.

"No." I said.

"Really?" Zack said in disbelief.

"The rest of the group did! Not her!" Logan said.

"But she's the reason why he died." Zack said.

"Fuck you! If he didn't beat her none of this would've happened!" Logan said and Zack gave a nod to one of the men behind us. The man untied Lily and shoved her over to Zack, Zack put a gun to her head.

"Mommy? Daddy? Please don't let me die." Lillian said in tears.

"Sweetie, don't worry, you-" I started but Zack interrupted me.

"Shut up or I'll pull the trigger." Zack said.

"Shoot me instead!" I yelled and Zack removed the gun from her head. Zack shoved Lillian to another man that tied Lillian back to her chair.

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