-You may only control your character, and the book characters unless you have permission to control someone else's.
-Don't make characters that are just like book characters. You make be original, and use your i-mag-in-a-tion! *rainbow sparkles*
-Realisticalness please! No children of Hera, Hestia, or Artemis. Have you seen the meme?
-Don't be OP! You can't be like, that one child of Hermes blessed by every god/goddess and you can destroy the universe with a flick of your wrist *starts singing*
-No inappropriate language, unless it's fandom lingo. Schist, shuck, dam, etc.
-Five or less people an RP, and three people a quest. Quests have to be accepted on the official quest page (I'll make it soon), and then you will get your own page to RP your quest.Okay, that's it! Let the RP's begin!
Percy Jackson Roleplay
FanfictionThis is my first roleplay, and I'm determined to make it a good one. Enjoy, and may you have a DAM good time! (If you're reading this on any site other than Wattpad, it was stolen.)