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Imagine if Emma sawn had a twin sister that snow white and Prince Charming never told her or anyone about. When Emma and her twin sister Amanda ( a.k.a. Amma) were born Emma was transported to the streets but Amanda already had gotten her powers so she transported herself away from that place and to somewhere safe. But unlike Emma who ended up on the streets Amanda ended up on the front door steps of Birmingham palace. The queen and King took her in as their daughter. But they had no idea that she had very powerful and dangerous powers. As a few years go by the king and queen realize that she is a very dangerously powerful child so they go to anyone who knows of anyone who gave birth to a magical child. And he told them of Snow White and Prince Charming, and how they had magical twin daughters but no one knows where they are. They wanted to figure out something about her powers so they went to a wise wizard that they believed that would help them with their problems of what she was capable of. The wise wizard said that he could only detect fire power but he could also sense that their was a lot of unknown powers that she will develop in the future when the time comes. He also told them that they need to keep her safe but that they also need to let her powers develop into what they need to develop into. But also that whenever they get the chance they need to reunite the twins so that they can fight off evil and so that they can be whole again, because they will not be whole and think that they are missing something until they are reunited with their twin.

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