Finally found

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                         SNOW WHITE'S POV
Today is the day that me and David  have to tell Emma that she has a twin sister. Emma and hook are sitting in the chair in the living room. David just walked in the room with me and we sit on the couch together with the hands that have our wedding bands on it clasps together. Both Emma and hook stared at us.
" Emma there is something important we have to tell you." I say very nervously
" what's wrong ?? What is so bad that you two are fidgeting like crazy." Emma said with all serenity.
" Emma you have a twin sister and she was put in a home with royals in Birmingham and I'm so sorry that we are telling you now but you need to come with me because she is in great danger" I say almost too fast and at the end of my rant I'm out of breath and by the look on Emma's face she is either really pissed off or she doesn't believe me.
" there is no way that I have a sister, wait how much in trouble ... How much power will it require to get her out." Emma says and I know that she is speaking the truth and I know that even though she doesn't want to believe me she wants to find out for herself.
" ok let's go " Emma yells
Just as we were about to head out the door there was a knock on the door . I go to answer it and it is a prince. But not just any prince he looks like the prince of Birmingham.
" hello Snow White and Prince Charming, I have reason to believe that you know where my princess is and how to save her!" The prince of Birmingham said
" wait your princess is my sister" said Emma
" your who?? I think you are confused miss but my princess don't have any siblings." Said the prince of Birmingham
" yea i thought so too, and I was wrong so let's go get your princess and my sister." Emma said
                              AMANDA'S POV
Well this is just great I'm chained to a wall by my hands and feet. Thank gosh they took me out of the cage. And of course my parents came and brought my fiancé and some people that I have no idea who they are. And of course they got handcuffed. Now I'm being threatened, yea right like they could hurt me that bad like honestly they have already electrocuted me and tried to drown me .
" hey so little miss princess you got anything to say " said one of my kidnappers just as I blow up my cage and my chains.
" yea well u can't really kill this princess" I say with a smirk.
Then I lifted a finger and everyone's handcuffs came off. Louis came running to me with a hug and we ended up making out.
" really your sister can make out in public but we can't that makes no sense." Said this guy with a hook to this girl who looks a lot like me. Everyone just stared at them. But then I go hug my parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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