Chapter 17

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Hastily, I picked my phone back up with shaking hands. 

"Ma'm?" the nurse was still on the other end of the phone. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," my voice wavered. "I'll be over in a few minutes,thank you for calling," I hung up and rushed to Harry's range rover. I sped way over the limit and got to the hospital, 30 miles away, in 10 minutes. 

"What room is Harry Styles in?" I asked the nurse at the front desk. 

"You must be his girlfriend," she smiled sadly at me. "He's in rough shape back there, but it's room 249,"

I followed the numbers on the door till I got to 249. I took a deep breath and tried to clear my head before stepping into the room. I'd had enough of this hospital for a lifetime. 

I almost passed out right when I walked in. Harry lay moitonless on the bed, except for the rythmic rise and fall of his chest with each breath he was forced to take by the tube shoved down his throat. His arm looked like it had been set on fire, with bandages running up his rib cage. His leg was in a cast, raised above the bed. And he had a huge gash across his forehead, a black eye and a swollen lip. I wanted to cry. If I didn't have Harry, I didn't have anyone. I needed him to be okay. It wasn't until the first tear fell from my eye that I noticed Kyle and the policeman sitting on the couch. And it wasn't until I wiped that tear away that I saw Kyle was in handcuffs.

Did he do this to Harry?

"Kyle?" I said, unsure if this was why he was here.

He didn't answer me, but gave me a death stare, which made me know we would not be able to remain friends. It made me sad, yet I knew this was going to happen. I sighed. The policeman looked behind me as another policeman walked into the room. He took Kyle away, I assumed to jail or something, and the policeman on the couch sighed and looked up at me.

"Hello, I'm Officer Jones. Are you Brynn?" He asked me as if I was a child. But I didn't mind. I almost wanted to be treated like a child. For this police officer to take my hand and ask me if I was lost. To take me back to my parents, even though I didn't have any, and then I would be safe. But sadly, I was an adult. And when you're an adult, you're never safe. From anything. 

"Yes, I'm Brynn," I said timidly. "What happened to my boyfriend?" I asked, looking over at the unconcious Harry. 

"I understand that you would want to know exactly what happened, but I'm going to spare you the details because it was quite horrific," Officer Jones said. I nodded a bit, but stopped myself.

"No, sir, I'd like to know exactly what happened," I said timidly.

"Young lady, this is some pretty hardcore stuff and I don't kn-"

"I said, I'd like to know exactly what happened," I tried to keep my voice firm. I scooted one of the armchairs up next to the bed and held Harry's undamaged right hand.

"Well okay, if you insist. It seems that, Kyle? Is that what his name was? He hit Harry with his car, more like ran him right over, then got out of the vehicle and began to beat Harry up, breaking two of his ribs and his wrist, took a blade to his forehead before setting his left arm, with the broken wrist, on fire. It was a good thing that there was another man there, just a few parking spaces away, who quickly put the flames out and called 9-1-1. If he hadn't been there, you might be signing an autopsy paper," 

I gasped at his last few words.

"Sorry, was that too blunt? You did tell me to give it to you straight, so there it is. He's lucky to be alive, kid," There was a long pause, and the room suddenly got very awkward. "I have to go fill out some paperwork, so I'll leave you alone with him," 

It wasn't until after I was sure the officer was gone, when I broke down sobbing into Harry's side.

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