Hunter sees Sara and he recognized her from earlier today. Sara walks up to Hunter and gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Hunter - "how'ya doin babygirl"
Sara - "amazing"
Hunter kisses her on the cheek they both blushed. Robyn saw Cameron and freaked she was filled with love and excitement, she goes to kiss him on the cheek, but didn't know he was about to his her on the cheek to. They ended up kissing, they both giggled.
Robyn - "Cameron I'm so sorry" she said with red cheeks
Cameron - "no it was my fault."
The concert and the meet and greet ended..until Aaron comes up to Aimee and asks her to hang out somewhere, she said okay and everyone else came along too. They all went to the beach and had a great time, and planned to meet again the next day too. The 5 girls went back hope full of happiness because today was way better than any expectations they had.