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I guess it was just like 15 shits about yourself??? idfk SecretlyNeetas get your shit together ok so that I actually know what the hell you're tagging me in

1. I'm a tap dancer
2. The single and only thing I hate more than the heat is Trump tbh
3. I'm a boy with lady parts help me
4. Ga(y)mer extraordinaire
5. I actually love writing and have won several contests for it and want to be a novelist
6. Also want to develop my own game
7. Because I want to be the next Toby Fox and make the next Undertale which is no question the greatest RPG to ever exist
8. Self taught pianist and guitarist
9. I haven't listened to a song with words in like weeks bc Undertale soundtrack
10. I have been craving loaded potato skins for months
11. !!!!I have not pooped today!!!!!!!
12. I own and cycle through 3 themes sets of bed sheets: Monster University, Super Mario, and Olaf from Frozen
13. But I s2g I'm 19 please believe me I am adULT
14. I voted for Bernie in the primaries #proofofADULT
15. Dogs though, am I right?

maxthomkell ConfusedElf PeppermintChase your turn punks

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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