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"I'll call you as soon as I land ok?" My mom says, ready to board her flight to London. I nod, not wanting her to go.

She pulls me in for a tight hug. "I love you Jamiah, I'll be back." After about 45 seconds the call for her flight is announced and she rushes to her gate, reminding me she loves me.

When she disappears completely, I walk back to Behlen's mom, Teresa. The car ride home is silent except for the radio playing softly and the sound of small rocks from the road rubbing against the tires.

As soon as I step in the house, I'm greeted by Noah. "Jamiah I missed you!" He hugs my legs.

"I missed you too Noah." I say getting to his level and hugging him. "You're gonna live with us now?"

"Just for a little until my mom comes back." I say noting the excitement in his eyes.

Bella comes from the living room to greet me. "Jamiah come on, I'll show you where you'll sleep."

I pick up my bags and follow her to the staircase. We enter her room and just the same as always. "You can either sleep in here or the guest room. Your choice."

"In here's fine." I say while setting my bags in the corner and sitting on the bed.

"Are you ok Jamiah? We've always talked about living together and now that it's kinda happening you seem like you don't wanna be here."

"Yea it's just... I didn't want her to leave. And like after what happened with my dad, I'm scared that's all." Bella takes a seat next to me.

I didn't realize I was crying until she wiped the side of my cheek and pulled me in an embrace.

"Hey it's ok. She'll return safe."

"Bella mom said.. my bad I didn't know I was interrupting something." I hear Jacob's voice at the door and instantly wipe the evidence of tears from my face.

"No we're just having a best friend moment. Now what does mom want?" Bella says. "She said to come eat."

Me and Bella stand up and make our way downstairs to the dining room. The table was set with plates filled with beans, rice, and chicken.

I took my seat next to Bella and we joined hands in a brief prayer. Soon after we all dug in to eat.

Noah began telling us a story that happened at school. I caught Jacob starting at me a couple times but he would instantly look away.

By the third time he bursts out of nowhere. "Is there a problem?" He tells and stands up.

"I-I was just.." I stutter. "What's going on?" Teresa says confused.

"This bitch had a fucking staring problem, that's what's going on!" Bella instantly jumps in. She goes around the table and gets in his face.

"Don't talk to her like that!" She yells. "Mind your fucking business Bella."

"Guys not today please." Teresa begs.

"Shut up Teresa!" Jacob yells. "You always do this Jacob! Stop just fucking stop!" Bella screams.

Jacob looks at her with angry eyes, breathing heavily and I sit in the middle of all this mess.

His hand reaches up and slaps across her face. Noah jumps up and runs to Teresa's protection.

Jacob starts punching at her face and I find myself rushing to stop this.

Teresa holds me back. "Don't go over there. He'll hurt you."

I brush past her and grip Jacob's shoulder as he hovers over Bella sending punch after punch.

"Jacob stop, please stop." His shoulders relax and he stands up straight.

When he turns around he looks down directly at me. I see the fire in his eyes slowly die out but his face is still set angrily and his chest heaves up and down.

He brushes past me and goes straight upstairs. I turn back to Bella and help her up.

I take her into the bathroom to clean her up. She sit on the toilet and I take a second to look at her. Her face has several small bruises, her lip is busted, she has a black eye and a bloody nose.

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

"No it's not. Jacob he can be cool at times but he's just.. him." I take a wet towel and dab her lip and nose.

"This may hurt a little" I say as I apply pressure to her lip. She hisses at the pain.

"I feel like me coming over here is always a bad idea." I confess and put a small bandage on the wound.

"Well I don't care what Jacob says or thinks. You're family and you're welcome here at all times." Bella smiles.

"Thanks sis. Now let's get you an ice pack." I say and we head to the kitchen. "You'd be a great mom one day." Bella says and I laugh at the idea.

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