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Allah, exalted be He, says:

"And I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone)." (Quran: Adh-Dhariyat: 56)


The book of tawhid elaborates on the concept of Islamic monotheism as being enjoined by Allaah on His servants whom He has created for fulfilling this ultimate objective. Meanwhile, the book clarifies the concept of major polytheism, which categorically contradicts monotheism. It further clarifies the concepts of minor polytheism and bid'ahs, which impair perfect or desirable belief.

Keywords and Phrases:

1. Tawhid: The devotion of one's acts of worship to Allaah alone

2. Ibadah (worship): Literally, it signifies surrender or submission. Technically, it is an umbrella term, which refers to all acts of devotion including sayings, apparent and hidden deeds, which bring about Allaah's pleasure.

General meaning of the Quranic verse:

According to this Quranic verse, Allaah created the jinn and men to worship Him. The Quranic verse, thus, specifies the wisdom behind creating them. Unlike worldly masters, almighty Allaah does not sustain His servants in return for benefits, for He intends all good for them.

Relevance of the Quranic verse to the chapter:

The Qurranic verse illuminates the obligation of tawhid i.e. devoting all the acts of worship solely to Allaah since He has created the jinn and mankind for fulfilling this objective.

Lessons drawn from the Quranic verse:

>>The jinn and mankind are obliged to devote all acts of worship solely to Allaah.

>> The Quranic verse expounds the wisdom behind the creation of the jinn and mankind.

>> It is only Allaah, the creator, who deserves worship rather than other false deities incompetent to create. This point is a refutation of idolaters' arguments.

>> Almighty Allaah is the self-sufficient and thus He is in no need of His creatures, whereas they are in dire need of Him. This is, definitely, because Allaah is the creator and they are His creatures.

>> The Quranic verse, further, proves that Allaah is All-wise in His actions


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