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Me: Emotions caused it?

You wanna know the truth about em? They’re a real pain in the… you know what? That’s too far in. This is Shane by the way. Let’s see, where were we?

For starters, Whitney keeps herself in danger. So after her lame boyfriend Matt warned me to stay away, she started screaming. Billy pulled the doors open and we all saw her over a banister. You got that right. That girl was dangling head first off a banister. Lucky she had her wonderful boyfriend and amazing best friend, right?

I was neither of those at that moment.

Before I go any further, though, lemme get you up to speed. A year before my best friend and Whitney’s cousin Ree died and a month before I got with Kay, Whitney claimed she didn’t have feelings then decided after Ree died and after I’d been with Kay over 11 months to admit she did. The whole time she did.

She was just with a dude named Carter and didn’t want me to find out. Eventually, I did. She asked for my forgiveness but I told her I needed time.

Minutes later, I was in my seat eating with my sisters and two of Whitney’s aunts.

“Well, hello, young man. What’s your name?” “I’m--”

“AAH!!!!!!!” Whitney cut everyone in the room off by her wails of fear.

Once she was safely taken home, silence was held as Chey led the masked man to her car. Then they left and chatter resumed.

“I’m sorry. What did you say your name was?” “I’m Shane.” She smiled, “I’m Aunt Georgie. Are you all friends of Whitney?” She looked at Diliah, my little sister, when she spoke. “She’s more of Shane’s friend than mine.”

Both aunts blushed a little at that. “Oh?”

“We’re good friends but we’re on the outs currently.” Aunt Georgie pouted. “Well that’s too bad.”

Based on the look in her eye, I knew what was next. “Irene was a friend of yours as well?” “Yes;” “Was she as close as you say Whitney is?” “Pretty much;”

“What can you tell me about her death?”

The question altogether shook me.

She touched my arm and glared into my eyes. “It’s okay to talk to me.”

“I really don’t know anything.”

She pouted again. “I really wish you did.”

The other aunt poked out her hand. “I’m Auntie Lynne.” “Hi;”

“You say you’re good friends with Whitney, right?”

“Yes;” “Did you go see her when she was isolating herself?” “No;” “Why not?”

Georgie touched Lynne’s arm and she gave off a flinch. “He said they’re on the outs, remember?”

“Oh that’s right;” They both started scraping their knives against the plates.

D glanced at me, “Did Momma tell you Whitney stopped by?”


“When you were at Katie’s house, she came to see you.”

Both aunts raised their eyebrows.

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