Parental Guidance

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My momma left to buy things for a wedding so the 5 of us were stuck with dear old dad. I went to grab a package from the mail and noticed a letter from an abortion agency with my father’s name on it. “What is this,” I asked.

He chuckled, “Oh how cute; she thinks she can bait me.” “Pops, what is this?” “That bitch got pregnant; obviously.” He laughed and tossed the letter into a nearby garbage can.

I could no longer retain my irritation. “You think that shit is funny?! This is people’s fucking lives you messing with. My momma almost fucking--” He socked me before I could finish my rant. “Shut the fuck up and let the grown folks handle grown man business.”

“All you are, is a grown ass little boy. You’re gonna get yours, Pops.” With nothing else to say, I turned my back on him and mounted my bed.


Her question made me think. “My grandpa was never really around.” “You think that affected her?” “Yes. Every time someone brings him up, she shuts down for like a week.”

Jeybria put her pen down. “Okay. It was nice talking to you but I was only scheduled for psychoanalysis. If you ever wanna finish talking, your momma has my card.”

“Okay.” I clicked on the TV and Matt showed up with flowers; and daisies at that. It made my day a little less unpleasant. “Hey,” he said vibrantly. His voice was about as bright as the flowers.

I motioned towards them and asked, “Hey are those for me?” “Yeah; Yellow’s your favorite color, right?” “How’d you know?” “You said it back in kindergarten.”

“You remember me from way back then?” “I always remember the cute ones.” “Awn; Thank you;” He scanned for my momma and slipped a kiss. I wondered, “How did you get past her?” “She was on the phone and your pops don’t really have a problem with me.” He snuck in another one.

“What’s with the kisses?” “I got worried when you passed out.” “You got worried about me?” “Of course; you’re my baby now.” I put Shane’s voice to Matt’s words.

I was starting to feel guilty about everything so I told Matt I’d talk to him later.

Shane arrived when he was leaving and from the railing, I could see there was bad blood between the two. When my momma attacked him, Matt walked out like a real trooper would. Shane stayed after she insulted him. I guess it was more important to talk to me.

Instead of revealing how terrible I felt about everything, I pushed him away. It was easier for me that way. I just wanted the world to leave me alone.

And then, on Monday, a day later, the spawn forced me to go back to the show. She wasn’t going to waste her precious down payment. My leg was all over the place but that didn’t matter.

At practice, Hailey wasn’t speaking to me. Vicky wasn’t speaking to me. And Shane wasn’t speaking to me. I got my wish, right?

Matt said some words, at least.

I began, “Hi Matt;” He glanced up at me, “Hey;” “Are you still mad?”

He called and started yelling at me about Shane. Not wanting to hear it, I put him on speaker, turned the volume down and took an elongated nap. I was pretty sure he’d break up with me but stranger things have happened.

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