My Erin

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My Erin is a funny wee lassie that makes you smile without even trying. I met her only a month ago but already it feels like I've known her for years. I know this is cheesy and she's gonna read it so I'm trying here really! Sometimes in reality I find it hard to word things, even on this actually I struggle to find the words to describe Erin. She's the most mental, crazy, idiotic fudge cake, but she's my most mental, crazy, idiotic fudge cake so don't be getting any ideas mate okay?! It was originally meant to be a BBQ that day... However half the cunts that went got food poisoning, I got smacked on the ass and Erin found love :3. There are of course other characters in this story but they'll come in later because this is just the introduction so you get the feels of this story. I can't give an exact description because something new and surprising happens every time we all meet up XD. Cheesy shit huh? This isn't my actual, official account on wattpad so ya.... And now I don't know what to say... Awkward. I was just kinda going along in my head the summary of the past few weeks but then I wouldn't have a story so lets dig into the lives of the group chat on Facebook that's been called: SQUAD SQUAD SQUAD, squad goals, fuckbuddiesXD, ChurchOfSatan, Fuckbuddies and currently is called squad. Enjoy.

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