Chapter 10

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~Normal POV~

I stared at him in shock, my brain fuzzy. It's been 3 years since I last saw him and now he's standing at my door with an impish smile on his face.

"Katalina, you haven't changed at all," He said, wetting his lips with his tongue. I swallowed in disgust.

"Brian, what are you doing here and how did you find me?"

"Oh come on darling, don't be like that," He purred. His hand reached out to touch my face and I stepped back.

"Don't touch me," I snarled, my eyes narrowing when a smirk spread across his face.

"Feisty, I like that Katalina, I like that a lot." All of a sudden, he grabbed me by my shoulders and pinned me against the wall. I struggled and whimpered against his touch, hating every second of it.

"Get off me!" I screamed. Tears sprung into my eyes and soon, they spilled down my cheeks. I'm not scared though. I'm absolutely livid. He dragged me after him, kicking and screaming, to his car. I watched in fury as he grabbed the duct tape and taped my hands together and my mouth shut.

"We're going to have fun, baby. Your brother won't be able to stop me this time," He stated, his eyes traveled over my body. When his eyes met mine, I saw that they were full of lust. I nearly gagged. No way am I having my first with this pedophile.

"Do you have something to say to me baby?" He asked sweetly before yanking the duct tape off my mouth. Damn, that hurt.

"Hayden might not stop you but you're not going to get away with shit. I suggest you go fuc-" I snarled, getting cut off when another piece of duct tape was slapped over my mouth. He shot me a glare before slapping me across the face. He did this once more before his hand traveled south. I immediately recoiled, disgusted. Brian was a close friend of Hayden's and we would hang out all the time. Once when I was 12, Brian tried to kiss me. I shied away from him but we were able to move past that. Three days before Hayden left, I was 13, and Brian tried to rape me. We were talking in his bedroom and he was depressed because his girlfriend of two years cheated on him. I gave him a hug and he wouldn't let go. When I finally pried his arms off me and looked up into his eyes, I noticed that they had changed. I was only 13 years old at the time and I didn't understand when he pinned my arms above my head. He tied them together with rope and he took off my jacket and my top. Just as soon as he was about to take off my shorts, Hayden burst into the room. I was crying and screaming in his arms, terrified of what had happened. Hayden beat the absolute crap out of Brian and we haven't seen him since we moved.

"Come on sugar, don't be like that." Just as soon as his hand slid under my shirt, I kicked him in him lower abdomen. In other words, I kicked him in the nuts.

"You bitch!" He screamed as his knees buckled. I struggled to free myself in the limited amount of time I had while he was still in pain. Needless to say, I didn't succeed at all. I began to panic when all of a sudden, a black Range Rover came into view. I got out of the car and collapsed onto the sidewalk beside Brian. He slapped me again and again but he didn't slap my face. The bloody pervert punched me in the chest over and over until I was screaming in pain. He lugged me back into the car, not noticing the angry curly-haired boy storming over. He slapped my chest over and over while I cried. He even punched me in my temple when I began to protest. Then, he grabbed my boob and started to feel me up. I didn't have the strength to fight him and the pain was starting to become too much when all of a sudden someone pulled him off me. I couldn't over my eyes due to the throbbing pain in my head and before I knew it, the world became black.

My eyes fluttered open and the world was fuzzy. Everything was blurry and unclear. I blinked a few times before the nurse finally came to focus. She beamed at me.

"Oh hello dear, how are you feeling?" She questioned in an overly-cheery voice. I was suddenly aware of the sharp pain in my temple.

"Ouch," I whimpered as my hand automatically flew to my head.

"Is your head bothering you?" She asked with concern dripping from every word.

"Yes, what happened?"

"I can't tell you because I'm not sure myself. There's a boy here who wants to speak with you. Do you want to see him?"

"That would be great, thank you," I murmured, feeling the pain subside as my eyes opened to see Harry standing in front of me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked softly as he made his way toward me.

"I could be better but I'm fine. What happened?" I asked. Subconsciously, my eyes narrowed when  saw the flash of wariness cross his features.

"Uh, it's a long story," He stuttered, his eyes looking everywhere except at me.

"I've got time." This time, his eyes met my own as he sighed.

"Well I don't really know the entire story, I really don't. Lou sent me over to your house because she wanted to invite you to the concert tonight but she had her hands full with wardrobe and Lux so she couldn't go so I volunteered. She gave me the address and I drove over. When I reached your street, I saw a tan guy with a buzz cut beating a girl who looked disturbingly like you. So I slammed the brakes and ran out of my car. Upon closer inspection I realized that it was you. He dragged you back to his car and I saw him feeling you up. At that point I was furious so I threw him off you and beat him unconscious. Then I called the ambulance and the police and here you are. Oh and the police arrested that pedophile."

I flinched when the memory came back, feeling the pain in my chest. I glanced down and saw purple and black dotted all over my chest.

"I can't believe I let him do that to me," I mumbled, disgusted with myself.

"You couldn't have done anything, he's a strong lad and I hate to admit it but he put on a pretty good fight."

"I took self defense classes, Harry. I've been practicing martial arts since I was 12. I stopped taking lessons last year but I should have still been able to kick his ass. He just caught me by surprise and I guess I was shocked by how much stronger he is than the 15 year old I knew when I was 12." His bug-eyed reaction made me giggle for the first time since I arrived.

"Thank you so much Harry. If you hadn't arrived, I don't know what could have happened," I murmured, flashing him a shy smile. He dipped his head in acknowledgement and sat down in the chair. Suddenly, the nurse came running back into the room.

"Miss Jenkins, you can leave if you would like. Please refrain from any exercising and please take your pain medication if your head bothers you," She said, handing me a bottle of pills. I found her eyes flickering toward Harry every few seconds and she seemed extremely flustered.

"I'll leave now and thank you for your help," I replied, hopping out of bed. The nurse narrowed her eyes at my actions but didn't say anything. I turned to Harry.

"Uh, can you take me back home please? I mean you don't have to but like-" I rambled, unaware of why I am so nervous all of a sudden. It's probably because I haven't know Harry for a very long time and he has already saved my life.

"Relax Kat. I would love to take you home," He stated, chuckling as he helped me out of the hospital and into the car.

"Thanks Curls," I murmured when we pulled up in front of my house.

"No problem Kat, you're coming to the concert right?" I pondered for a minute before nodding. He grinned at me and leaned over his seat and gave me a hug.

"Great! We'll pick you up. Be ready by 5 o'clock!!!!" He enthused. I giggled and shut the car door. The Range Rover remained outside my house and didn't move until I turned around and waved. I unlocked my door and walked in before closing it behind me. I quickly checked the time. It's 12 o'clock in the afternoon, I have plenty of time.

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