Chapter 28

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Way overdue...
Stephanie has just told Riley that she is being abused by her father. Riley has revealed that James went through the same thing with his father and they try to convince her to go to the police about it. Stephanie refuses and leaves to pick up her sister,Sophie.

Riley's POV
I sigh as I flick through the T.v. channels,my head resting on James' lap as he runs his fingers through my hair.
'Hey what's wrong?'he asks, concerned and I give him a 'are you crazy?' look.
'James. I've just found out that one of my best friends is being abused by her father and there is nothing I can do to stop it. What isn't wrong?'
It's now his turn to sigh.
'Riley,we have to let Stephanie make this decison on her own. She has to be the one to go to the cops. I know it's hard,but we just have to patient.' I sit up,frustrated.
'James,remember when you were being abused?'he sucks in a deep breath. 'Every single day you grew further and further away from everyone around you. You started to talk less,interact less,laugh less. I was losing you and I had no fucking idea what to do. I was being patient,I was trying to give you space to sort things out,but when I continuously saw you coming into school with more and more bruises I knew it wasn't football and I had had enough. I finally went up to you and you finally started to open up to me again. I thought I was finally getting you back,eventhough we disagreed about you going to the cops. Then,one night,I got a phone call,telling me that my best friend and his mother were in hospital. The people who took me and my sister in and helped us back on our feet after our parents died were severely injured and if medics had come a moment later,they both would have died.' By this time I have a river of tears cascading down my face,but I don't even try to wipe them off. I just rock back and forth with my arms around my knees,staring blankly ahead.
'Riley',James whispers,but I don't reply.
'Finally,you got over being patient and went to the police. You'd had enough of this abuse and you turned your sperm donor in. But I nearly lost you twice over those very,very long weeks and I can't have the same with Stephanie. I can't lose her like I nearly lost you James.' I finally look over to James to see he has a heart-broken look on his face and a few stray tears. He moves closer to me and circles his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder,his mouth next to my ear.
'You're not going to lose her Riley,I promise. We're going to try and convince her in every way we can to do something about this,and no one is going to lose her. And you are never ever going to lose me,ok?NEVER'.
I turn my head around so that our foreheads are resting against each other.Softly,he wipes away my tears as I do to his. We smile gently at eachother as he opens his mouth to speak once again but I beat him to it. It's now or never Riley. Come on,do it,or you're going to regret it for a very long time. I take in a deep breath and whisper the three words that can make or break our relationship.
'I love you.'
After a moment of silence I detach my forehead from James' and look up to him to catch a face void of any emotions.
You idiot Riley. You absolute idiot.
I knew it was too early to say it,I knew he didn't feel the same way about me. Now our relationship is going to be ruined because everything is going to be awkward,making our friendship awkward and destroying absolutely everything. Way to go Riley.
'J-James,I didn't,um i-i,' but I stop talking when I see James break out into a gigantic grin.
'I love you too.'
Wait what? He,he loves me too? I think my mind's playing tricks on me.
My eyes widen and I also break into a gigantic grin. Now we're just two teenagers grinning like massive idiots. Idiots who are in love.
We slowly lean in until our noses are nudging each other and our lips are an inch apart. I can taste his peppermint breath on my face.Closing my eyes,I close the gap and our lips touch once again. It's not just one long kiss though,but multiple passionate pecks, in between whisperings of 'I love you.'
And now I know that we can and we will get through any obstacle that comes our way.
We're Jiley.

And I'm back.
Sorry that I haven't updated in forever,I had end of year exams. I just wanted to have a nice heartfelt Jiley chapter so here it is. I know it was cliche,but hey! It's Jiley.
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