Part one

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There is good and bad in this world. But it is up to you to figure out which is which. Flora learnt that the hard way. The greatest treasure we have is experience. But how much are you willing to sacrifice in this no-pain-no-gain reality?

Flora was a fallen Angel. Believe it or not - they do exist. There are a thousand types of angels. But in the end, they all fit into two  groups. The fallen and the service. And if you're wondering, there is a cupid. No, he isn't a chubby toddler that wears a diaper.

He was a man. He was masculine and had dark hair, blue eyes which turned gray when mad. He was a handsome fella.

Angels were able to become visible at the snap of a finger. And other abilities. Let's just say that God built them well. There is a God and other Gods. Keep your mind open.

Flora lied on the ground with several bruises on her face that marked her 1 month stay in Mount Olympus' special 'boot camp'. The fall had made her break several bones and even if she was in so much pain, it was too painful to groan. Trembling, she snapped her fingers and humans could finally see her.

"Did you see that?" A bunch of whispers came from both sides of her head.

The whispers turned into shouts of panic.

"Oh my god is she even breathing?" A woman, in her early 40's said, scurrying to Flora's side. As the woman put her ear near Flora's mouth, she bottled as much pain as she could and whispered,


The woman's eyes bulged. "Someone call an ambulance!"

Soon, a bystander was on the phone with someone who Flora believed worked for a hospital.

"Okay honey, you're going to be fine. My name is Cassandra. I'm going to get you to the hospital alive and we're going to get you fixed up okay? Listen to my voice. I am not going to let your life end at such a young age..."

Flora looked at Cassandra, the woman that checked if she was alive. She was that kind of person who you could tell that when she was younger, she was gorgeous.

A little girl stood next to her. She wore a pink dress and had pig tails that reached her chin.

Flora soon heard the nearing ambulance siren and heaved a painful sigh of relief. As the men carefully loaded her onto the stretcher, Cassandra and the cute little girl which Flora assumed was her daughter, entered the ambulance. The female medic in the ambulance, which Flora had not noticed before, assured that she was going to be fine and Flora did not hesitate to let sleep take over.

".. well, she's fine. She had a few broken bones and there are some deep cuts on her face but she's going to make it," a woman's voice said.

"What about her breathing? Why couldn't she groan for help louder?" A voice, immediately known as Cassandra's spoke.

"We did some tests, and found out that she has asthma. That is the cause of her breath lost but..."

Flora's eyes batted open and she saw Cassandra's worried daze dart from the assumed doctor to Flora's own eyes.

Flora saw Cassandra let out a sigh of what she assumed was relief and went into the room.

"Hi honey, how are you?" Cassandra spoke, voice ever so soft and her smile sad.

"I'm okay." Flora said.

There was an uncomfortable silence.

"So uh," Cassandra said, sitting on the nearby chair, "It might be a little soon to ask this when you just woke up but what is your name?"

Flora pondered about that question. "Flora. No, uh, yeah. Flora,"
She laughed nervously.

Cassandra's eyebrow shot up. "Really? You don't seem so sure." She laughed, genuinely.

"Yes. My name is Flora. Thank you, Cassandra, for helping me." Flora said,  with a small but appreciative smile on her face.

"Aw, shucks. It's no big deal. I mean, who wouldn't do that? And please, call me cas." Cassandra said with a big 100 watt smile dragging across her face.

"Flora, do you have parents? Or anyone I can call to take care of you?" Cas asked.

Oh god, the one question to ruin the mood.

"No. My mum and dad died when I was younger. I lived with my aunt till I was sixteen but from then, I couch surfed at friends houses. Considering which friend is here right now, I guess I have no one." She lied. Flora was especially good in this.

"Oh." Cas said uncomfortably, "how about your aunt?"

"She too is unfortunately, six feet under. I never had cousins, and all my grandparents are dead. Number of siblings: zelch."

Cas' face twitched in thought. Flora was feeling more awkward by the second.

"Look - cas, I'm a big girl. I'll take care of myself. Once I'm out of here and.."

"Your remind me of my sister. She too was independent. And at times, hard headed. But honey, you need to depend on others too. I've payed for your hospital bills and you can 'couch surf' at my place. But with a bed of course."

Her outburst had Flora feeling amazed.

"Gosh, thanks cas. You've already done so much. Please, I can take care of myself. I don't want to be a burden..."

"Young lady, you are staying with my family and it is final." Cas said, with a mom voice she had never heard before.

"Yeesh, you're like your sister." Flora whispered. As cas shot a playful glare to her, Flora hesitantly gave in. "Okay, okay." Flora laughed.

The conversation they had that afternoon was light and enjoyable and Flora was told she would be discharged a week later. For house care.


A Week Later

Flora's eyes fluttered open to a little girl sitting by her side playing with Flora's dirty blonde hair. Upon noticing that Flora was awake, she quickly withdrew her hands from the strands of hair she made into a fishtail braid.

"Hey, good morning." Flora said with a smile on her face.

The little girl's previous face that glistened of embarrassment drastically changed into happiness.

"Hello, good morning. Your breath smells." The little girl said, scrunching her nose with a slight smile on her face.

"Oh geez, sorry lil girl, it really hurts when I stand because of my legs so I decided just not to freshen my mouth last night without your mum's help." Said Flora with a hint of embarrassment in her voice.

"Big girl." Whispered the little girl.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Flora asked genuinely interested.

"Mommy said I was a big girl. I'm 6 years old." The 'big girl' protested

"Well, okay big girl. Do you have a name?"

"Melody." She said as she put out her hand for Flora to shake.

"My name is Flora. Can I call you Mel?" Flora asked as she shook Mel's small hands

"Sure!" She said.

The door opened.

"Mel?" A man's voice called. His face came into view as his gazed brushed Flora's.



My name is Nicole and this is my second book that I wrote on wattpad so far. My first book was incredibly cliché and was based on a book from someone else on wattpad. I know, no imagination right? Okay so I deleted that book and I decided to make a new book, with my own ideas too. So please vote and comment where I have grammatical errors or spelling errors and recommend me to your friends okay?
Much love

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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