The True Mate (A Twilight Love story)

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No one's point of view

A girl ran through the forest with a baby girl in her arms. The girl stopped at a broken tree she then kissed the baby on the forehead before setting her down. A tear slid down the girl's cheek as she gave the baby one last glance before running away

Esme's point of view

Carlisle and I were hunting in then woods when thought I heard something so I stopped and said "Carlisle do you hear that?''. I didn't give him time to answer I already speeded over to where I heard the noise. The closer I got the more it sounded like a baby crying. I slowly walked over the broken tree. When I got to where I could see I saw a baby wrapped in a pink blanket. When I accidently stepped on a tree branch the baby stopped crying and opened her eyes. Her eyes were big a brown. She opened her arms up like she wanted me to pick her up. I hesitated before picking her up. She looked up at me and smiled and that's when I feel in love.

Baby girl point of view

For some reason I wanted the lady to pick me up and when she did I looked up at her a smiled. She smiled back at me before running really fast. When she stopped I smiled and clapped my hands. A blonde man walked over and said "Esme why do you have a baby?''."I found her in the woods crying someone left her I fell in love right when she smiled at me. Look at her and you will too.'' said the lady holding me. The man sighed before walking over to me; I looked up at him and smiled. The man smiled before saying "I guess we got a new a Cullen.''. I don't know what that means but I smiled and clapped. They both smiled before he said "Come on lets go introduce her to the rest of the family.''. She nodded before running again. She stopped at a really nice house. She walked up the steps but before she could open the door a pixie already opened it and said "I knew I was right when I saw you with a baby Esme.''. The lady smiled and rolled her eyes before walking in the house. "So Alice was kidding when she said you found a baby.'' said a really buff guy."Where did you find her?'' asked a really pretty lady. "We were hunting when I heard something, I went to check it out when I saw her lying on a broken tree someone must of left her there. I fell in love right when she smiled at me so did Carlisle.'' said the lady. "C-can I see her.'' asked the pretty lady. The lady holding me nodded. The pretty lady slowly walked over and picked me out of her arms and rocked me back and forth. I looked up at her and smiled. "I'm guessing you fell in love too.'' said the lady who was holding me. The pretty lady nodded. The pixie ran over and said "Can I see her Rosalie?''. The pretty lady nodded before handing me to the pixie. The pixie smiled then said "Awww aren't you a cutie I can't wait to dress you up.''. I love dress up so I smiled and clapped my hands. "Can I see her Alice?'' a guy asked with a southern accent."Are you sure Jasper?'' asked the pixie. The southern accent dude nodded. The pixie walked over and handed me to him. He looked like he was in pain so I smiled at him. Just then a giant smile grew on his face then the pixie said "What happen Jasper?''."I feel her emotions but stronger than anyone else so since she happy I'm happy she like controlling my emotions.''. "That's interesting.'' said the blonde man."Can I hold her Jasper?'' asked the buff guy. The southern dude nodded then handed me to the buff guy. When he saw me he smiled. "Where's Edward?'' asked the lady who found me."He'll be'' said the pixie. Just then the door opened and a guy walked in and said "What's going on?''. He sounds like bells. "Esme found a baby in the woods someone left her you want to see her.'' said the pixie."I'm good.'' said the guy. "Oh come on Edward I swear to you you'll fall in love soon as you see her.'' said the pixie. The guy sighed before walking over to me. He looked down at me. He looked at me before putting his hand to my face. I smiled and grabbed one of his fingers with my small hand. He just was staring at me and smiling but stopped when the pretty lady said "Edward you didn't?!''."You think I meant to do that?!'' asked the guy. "She only a month old Edward!'' yelled the pretty lady."You know I can't control it!'' yelled the guy. In a second the pretty lady had the guy who sounded like bells held against the wall. When I saw her hold tighten I started to cry. Everyone looked at me. I shook my head and said "No. No you don't hurt him.''. Everyone looked shocked. "I thought you said she was only a month old.'' said the guy."She is.'' said the pretty lady. The blonde man was by me in a second. He looked at me before saying "I want to try something. Are you hungry?''. I thought for a moment before nodding my head. The blonde man speeded away then cam back with a cup with a lid. He handed to the buff guy and said "Emmett can you feed her?''. The buff guy nodded. He put the cup straw to my mouth. Yum that's good. I drank it all then the buff guy put me to his shoulder and patted my back. I burped. "Carlisle what did you give her?'' asked the pixie."Milk mixed with a little blood.'' said the blonde man. "What's this mean?'' asked the pretty lady."I hear a heart beat, she drink blood she must be a hybrid half vampire half human.'' said the blonde man. "How?'' asked the buff guy."Her parents one must be a vampire one must be human I have to look into it because I've only heard legends about this.'' said the blonde dude. "But can we keep her?'' asked the southern dude. I crossed my arms and thought Hey I'm not a dog. The guy that sounded like bells laughed. What's so funny bell sounding dude? The bell sounding dude raised an eyebrow and said "Bell sounding dude?''. I don't know your name but so do sound like bells actually I don't know any of your names. "I think Edward's talking to her in her head.'' said the pixie. The bell sounding dude nodded and said "I am.''. "What's she saying?'' asked the pretty lady. "She wants to know our names.'' said the bell sounding dude. Who's the buff dude holding me? "That's Emmett.'' said bell sounding dude. Ok so teddy bear it is since he's like a teddy bear. The bell sounding dude laughed. The teddy bear or Emmett raised an eyebrow and said "What's so funny?''."She said you're a teddy bear.'' said bell sounding dude. Emmett faced me so I was looking at him and said "Am I a teddy bear to you?''. I nodded. Emmett laughed then said "Then I guess I'm a teddy bear.''. Ok who's the pretty lady? "The pretty lady is Rosalie.'' said bell sounding dude. What about the little pixie over there what's her name? "The pixie that's Alice.'' said bell dude. Southern dude? "That's Jasper.'' said bell dude. How about her. "That's Esme.'' said bell dude. Blonde dude. "That's Carlisle.'' said bell dude. What about you bell sounding dude who can read my thoughts what's your name? He laughed and said "It's Edward.''. Edward got a nice ring to it. He laughed again and said "I'm glad you like it but the question is what your name is.''. Uh I don't have a name. "Let's change that shall we.'' said Edward."I got it. I got it.....Elena Rose Cullen.'' said the pixie. Edward looked at me and said "You like that Elena Rose Cullen?''. I thought for a moment before nodding my head, clapping and smiling. "Well welcome to the family Elena Rose Cullen.'' said Edward.

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