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A/N: carrying on from the last part skip a couple of years and this is what it's like for Killian as a dad.

4 years later...

"Daddy, daddy!!" Leia said as she put out her arms for him to pick her up.

He crouched down before he picked her up, "what is it princess?" He asked.

"I'm a pirate daddy, a pirate!" She said. He chuckled.

"Okay, what is it my little pirate?" He asked again.

"Me wanna go sailing!!" She giggled.

He picked her up. "We'll go sailing I promise, we'll go with Henry, but at the weekend. We need to get you to school."

"But me don't wanna go to school." Leia cried.

Emma walked round the corner, "Leia," she warned, "listen to your dad."


"No buts otherwise you won't be go sailing at all." Emma said.

Leia crossed her arms, "fine!" She looked Killian again, "you can put me down now daddy."

He chuckled and put her down before she started walking.

Killian looked at Emma, "I won't be long, do you want me to pick something up from Granny's?" He asked.

Emma groaned in delight, "please?" She said, "I'm starving."

He pecked her lips, "I'll see you later."

"Bye, have a nice day." Emma said.

This was an average day for Killian.

Leia was growing up so fast, it only seemed like yesterday when she was in Emma's stomach. It wasn't though, that was four and a half years ago.

Boy does time fly. Killian said to himself.

Once he had dropped Leia at school. He went over to granny's to get some breakfast, where he saw Henry.

"Hello lad."

Henry hugged him smiling, "Hello Killian."

"I was wondering if you wanted to go sailing with Leia and I, she's insisting that we go." He chuckled.

Henry grinned, "I'd love to."

Killian nodded, "We'll go then, after Leia's finished school."

Henry grinned, "of course, see you later Killian, got to get to work."

They hugged once more before Henry left.

After Killian ordered, he grabbed their food and went to the station.

He knocked on the door with Hook, "Breakfast from Granny's per your request." He said with a bow.

Emma laughed, "you're so cheesy."

"I like to keep my girls happy." He replied and Emma kissed him.

Killian smirked and started deepening the kiss. Emma giggled and pulled away, "alright tiger, slow down."

Killian groaned, "Emma." He growled lowly.

Emma raised her eyebrow, "Killian?" She asked, almost innocently, but it wasn't innocent.

"Don't tease me Swan." He growled again.

"Jones," she corrected.

"Right, Jones." He rolled his eyes before he kissed her again, trailing his hand down her side.

"Killian," she mumbled, "we have to be careful, we're in the sheriff's station." She said as he kissed his neck.

"We've never been caught before." He whispered in her ear. Shit. She thought and closed her eyes.

Then a door opened, and snapped away from each other. It was David.

Even at thirty five years old, Emma blushed. She had been almost been caught with her husband by her father.

As David walked in, he saw Emma's blush and eyed them both suspiciously, and rolled his eyes.

"Do you guys want to see Neal after Emma finishes work?" He asked.

When Emma nodded, Killian shook his head, "I'd love to mate, but I promise Leia and Henry we'd go sailing, and you know Leia, she's just like her mother..." Emma glared at him. "...Well, you know."

"Yes, I do. In that case why don't you come over now and visit him, I think he wants to see his uncle. He also wants to see his cousin so you can bring her over after you go sailing or something?" He asked, "and maybe Henry too."

"I'll check but I'm sure she'll want to see him." Killian replied.

David smiled before leaving again.

Emma sighed in relief when he left and hit Killian. "You're such an idiot." She groaned.

"You still liked it before." He replied.

"Not when I'm almost caught by my dad and he knows what we're up to, jeez Killian," she groaned again and shook her head in embarrassment.

"Emma, I'm sorry."

She sighed, "it's fine," she smiled kissed his cheek, don't worry about it."

After school, Henry, Leia and Killian went onto the Jolly Roger and went sailing.

Killian let Henry steer the ship before Leia jumped up, wanting to steer the ship for herself.

Leia went in front of Henry and Henry helped her steer the ship. Killian smiled as he watched his step-son and his own daughter steer his ship.

He knew all of them would make amazing pirates. Even Emma, he had said that twice before. Once when they first met, the day they climbed up the beanstalk... The day she left him up on the beanstalk. The other, when they went back in time in Zelena's time portal and had to save her parents marriage when they accidentally interrupted her parents meeting. Especially his little Leia, who to him, though a pirate, she was his princess, and Emma, his Queen.

Soon they came back from sailing and went to visit Snow, Charming and Neal. Emma was there when they all arrived.

Emma kissed Killian when they arrived at the Charming's apartment and throughout the apartment all could be heard was "ew's" coming from the teenager and the two children that were there with them.

Emma laughed and Killian wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

Then they all started laughing.

"Mommy don't kiss daddy, is howwible!" Leia moaned.

"But mommy and daddy are in love honey, we can't help it." Emma said, "Be lucky you weren't me when I saw James kissing Cruella." Emma muttered, and Killian chuckled. "Just be lucky I don't have a twin honey, it's bad enough seeing your parents kiss than someone who looks exactly like me kiss someone else." Emma said.

Leia didn't quite understand but nodded.

Killian sighed happily, he couldn't have wished for a better life.

A/N: requested by xxmashlondonxx on Instagram I made this as part of a two shot the first part being the chapter before this. I've also got a request from my friend who doesn't watch ouat but I kinda got her to ship them I guess because she started watching videos of them? de_booklover16 who's request you'll love I'm sure of it 😂 night guys and enjoy this part and don't forget to comment requests down below or in the requests part of the book <3

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